Quests for Cash once you've mastered all characters

by craigdominic

Original Post

Quests for Cash once you've mastered all characters

★★★★ Apprentice

Got all my characters upgraded and I have 200 stars. It's kind of a waste.
it might seem a lot but I think it would be nice to have all quests convert to cash quests for those who can't use any more stars.

Or if not, anyway I can convert 3 stars for 5000 coins or 10 stars for 25000?

Message 1 of 6 (614 Views)

Re: Quests for Cash once you've mastered all characters

★ Guide

I feel your pain, as I mastered all but the newest legendary characters (haven't gotten them from sticker packs yet) and it would be nice for my extra stars to have a purpose in life... But unfortunately, they'll likely use the existence of Infinity mode as a means of farming cash using stars being the reason you can't trade em for coins. I end up using mine for rainbow stars whenever I get close to 50, so I don't have to do a match for 7 stars only to watch 5 vanish into thin air.

Message 2 of 6 (588 Views)

Re: Quests for Cash once you've mastered all characters

Hero (Retired)

I haven't Mastered all of the characters yet but I am closing in rapidly and I have started to think about whether or not I'd keep doing the Quests afterwards since their main purpose is to provide you with Stars and an opportunity to get a multiplier for your XP.


I do love Infinity Time but not enough to put a serious dent in a stack of 200 Stars, even if I'm helping newer players get enough Time Shards for an Infinite Infinity Chest.

Message 3 of 6 (525 Views)

Re: Quests for Cash once you've mastered all characters

Champion (Retired)
I recently finished all the characters a couple weeks ago. Since the I have really only played a few games every other day when I played religiously everyday before that. Not that I don't still love the game, I just don't have an objective anymore unless I create one. I could keep doing quest but at this point it's just for shiggles. And with all the spoilers of data mining I feel like I'm just waiting for the new legendary hats and etc. I honestly wish I hadn't looked at that stuff now. At the rate things get realeased I imagine there's another year and a half of waiting for everything to drop. If my friends aren't online, I don't really feel compelled anymore. In GW1 I could control the rate at which I leveled players and not feel like I had completed the game. It's all mental I know, but I'm just ready for some new stuff now that the grind is over. And I don't mean reskins.
Message 4 of 6 (482 Views)

Re: Quests for Cash once you've mastered all characters

★★★★ Apprentice

all I'm playing for now is to get all the collectibles but at this rate that will take another year anyway with most high end sticker packs yielding nothing. I don't even know how many coins I've spent in this game but well into the tens of millions and I still have about 1000 collectibles to gather. I'm over it.

Message 5 of 6 (448 Views)

Re: Quests for Cash once you've mastered all characters

Hero (Retired)

I've got about 1200 custom items left to collect myself; I've hit the point where the lower cost Sticker packs only provide consumables and even the higher cost packs are getting really miserly to draw out the collection process. Luckily I'm not obsessive enough about it that the slow drip of items bothers me- I find the game fun and will continue to play it for the foreseeable future.

Message 6 of 6 (444 Views)