EA Customer Service has been NO help!

by kellmarr78

Original Post

EA Customer Service has been NO help!

★★★ Newbie

So, I am an avid PLants vs. Zombies 2 player on my phone. I have been playing for a long time, have a lot of progress and have spent a LOT of money. All of a sudden over a month ago my game was just gone - all of my content, and all of my progress. So I filed a case with EA - got very little response - have had to email several additional times with no response for days and days. Even after I provided all of the information I was asked for. Not only is my game still gone, but today someone came along - told me to make sure I was playing under my original profile (I wound up with a couple of extras trying to uninstall and reinstall to fix myself as I have gotten NO help) - and then they marked the case resolved!! I am so angry!! I am a very good EA customer - have spent a LOT of money with this company as has my family. I am honestly ready to just never spend another dime on EA products. The customer service and support here is awful, terrible, the worst! If there is anyone lurking in here who might be helpful or have a way for me to actually talk to a person I would be more than appreciative. I am no tech dummy, and being treated this way is deplorable. This company makes a LOT of money from its customers and this one is about to launch an anti-EA campaign if there is no help available. Please help!

Message 1 of 3 (660 Views)

Re: EA Customer Service has been NO help!

★★★★★ Novice

I'm an avid Sims 4 player. I know the feeling, talking to EA customer support. But my problems lie with other players harassing me in the game. I have sent over 400 screenshots, made 100 reports with the SAME players. And they are still in the game, doing what they do: controlling the Gallery and affecting players game play.


And this is within 2 years and my 2 accounts. The first one, they destroyed. The second one, they almost have destroyed.


EA Customer Support is NO HELP. Because they give multiple warnings, so they have told me, before permanently banning a player. These players don't need multiple warnings. They have done this for years. They know its wrong and don't care what EA says. They know how to get around EA tactics, which is why they are still in the game.


Permanently ban them. 2 warnings. not 10.


The Terms of Service and Rules of Conduct mean NOTHING to players. They have made up their own rules and if you don't follow them, you get banned in the community. No downloads. No Favs. No followers. No NOTHING. And they actively maintain that ban. They will follow you anonymously, watching what u upload and who comments to you. They tell their followers and friends not to download, fav or follow (Support) you.


Its their RULES or nothing. Sound like a bully? That's what they are. And they control the Gallery. 


So the game is not fun. No matter what pack EA puts out, it is not fun. And EA is so focused on that $ they don't see or care what's happening in the game.


I was a die-hard gamer of Sims4. Not after that group of players in the game.


I wish another company would make a Sim game and give EA a 'wake up' slap. A company that would give players protection, like accept/decline for followers. 


Anyway, that'll never happen. All of my cases are marked "resolved" also. And I am still being actively harassed, bullied, banned, and insulted by this group. Haven't seen this group? Just look for the high download count, that's them. Also the high follower count too. Huge ego's they have and they are vicious. After all, no one matters but them and their creations.


So kellmarr78, I know where you're coming from. Just a different game problem, but the same EA Customer Support.

Message 2 of 3 (576 Views)

Re: EA Customer Service has been NO help!

★★★★★ Apprentice

Hi @kellmarr78


I just want to make sure I'm understanding you correctly, you have lost access to all your progress made in PvZ2 due to the game simply being removed from your device, and the only logical advice you where given by support was to ensure you were using the correct account?


In all honesty this makes no sense to me whatsoever. I'm assuming you're on an Android device, however if you're on an Apple device it shouldn't be much different. That being said I'm going to explain it from an Android device's perspective.


So firstly, games played on your mobile are not maintained by Origin or EA. On Android for example, the game is maintained, via the Google Services and Google Play Games, via your Google (G-mail) account. All your history on PvZ2 should be visible in the Play Games application regardless of if the game is installed or not. If you've never changed your Google account on your phone then there should be no reason why your history shouldn't be there.


If you have, then that would be the reason why you are missing your games' progress. Log-into the original account you used before, and your history should now show up in your Play Games application.


On the other hand, If the game is gone, then simply reinstalling the game on your device should solve the issue either partially or completely. It is important to note though that not all details relating to your game are captured on-line, some are stored on your actual device. Now if just the game was removed you should have all your saved information there when you re-install the game. However if some things are missing then it's more than likely that the games' data and cache was also removed from your phone and why you are missing information.


The reason why this information was deleted can be multiple in all honesty, an update could be the culprit, the phone could have been low on storage and the game and or data was removed via an internal cleanup application, removing the icon from your home screen and accidentally choosing to remove the whole application instead of just the icon could also be the reason, etc... Like I said there are multiple.


Anyways, Hope this Helps


Take Care Standard smile

Message 3 of 3 (566 Views)