Re: Chompers and how to fix them.

by pandareno1999

Original Post

Chompers and how to fix them.

★★★ Novice

The Chomper class, and all its variants should be changed. Now heres how you fix this dreadful class.


Goop: Make it so that when you try to goop someone, it takes 2 or 1 1/2 to shoot, and while its preparing to fire, make it so the screen shakes a littlr so you have to re-ajust it constantly.


Burrow: Make it so that burrow takes longer to recharge, and it lasts a shorter time.. Thats all.


Spikeweed: Make it so that when you try to spikeweed a big boot blaster, or a canon.. it wont catch them.. until they get off.


The Main Weapon: The weapon is fine, just make it so you cant swallow Zombies unless their cought in a spikeweed. 


These changes would make my decade. And I think everyones decade, at that. Just Chompers are so annoying, you getting gooped, and then they can just creep up behind you and one shot you.. their just vile.

Either make these changes, or make a new ability for the Scientist called "Rat Poison" to one shot Chompers. 


Thank you for your time and I hope you make these changes.


Message 1 of 7 (591 Views)

Re: Chompers and how to fix them.

I'm mostly ok with chompers unless there are several in a game together.  What I think would be good would be for there to be a couple more counters to chomper's abilities.

Message 2 of 7 (578 Views)

Re: Chompers and how to fix them.

Hero (Retired)

I understand that many players are frustrated with Chompers, but asking for the Class to be made unplayable so you don't have to pay attention to them any more is not the actual solution.


Chompers are no more difficult to deal with than any other Class in the game if you understand their weak points and learn how to exploit them. You also need to keep more aware of the situation on the battleground and think tactically to counter what is going on in the session.


Goop can only be mitigated by trying to stay aware of where the Chompers are on the field and trying to keep them in your sight- the sooner you can start inflicting damage to them at a distance the better; if they Goop you from afar then it's likely to wear off before thy reach you and if they Goop you up close you have a better chance of vanquishing them if you've been firing at them from the moment they entered your line of sight.


Burrow already has a bunch of counters, not only do several abilities enable you to quickly move out of harms way or block or cancel the Burrow ,but simply jumping up on a car, rock or other slightly elevated terrain feature ensures that they can't get under you. Again, if you've been paying attention and haven't been surprised you can plan your approach so that you can hop up on something the minute you see that Burrow happen.


The same can be said for Cannon Rodeo and the Big Bolt Blaster; put some thought into where you set up on these and you'll be at less risk of a Chomper casually strolling up behind you while you shoot his teammates in the face.


Try thinking defensively and tactically rather than simply charging around the battlefield and you may find that you'll have less of a problem with the Classes and Characters who cause you the most difficulty.

Message 3 of 7 (548 Views)

Re: Chompers and how to fix them.

★★★ Novice

It wouldnt make them unplayable, just less frustrating. 

I want them to play like Super Brains, maybe these changes would make them.. a bit weak.

Just forgot those changes..

I just want Chompers to be more like an actual Melee class. I never get to see a Chomper player just bite me a few times to kill me. That never happens. All I see them do is Burrow, or Goop. Its getting old. I just want to see them fight like Super Brains. 


Super Brains cant turn invincible and one shot a character right when they come out of being invincible.. 

Super Brains cannot criple an enemy so their almost useless, and then one shot them.

The Chomper Should be more like this character... its just getting annoying.. and sure I should be more aware of my surroundings.. but what if theres nothing to do? My abilities are still on cooldown, and theres nothing to jjmp onto to save me. All I can do is watch the dirt trail slowly come in my direction, and die. Instantly. I just hate abilites where the character is invincible. It just isnt a fair fight. Same can be said with Arcane Enigma. You can be winning a fight, but then they leave (and turn invincible)  so you cant shoot them. But thats a different story..


Dont change goop, but Burrow. NEEDS something. 


Also, whenever a chomper burrows someone, and their in the middle of eating someone, your shots go right through them. Directly through them until their done swallowing.. so you cant really save your teammate unless you use your abilitys.. 

Message 4 of 7 (531 Views)

Re: Chompers and how to fix them.

Just last night I was playing imp and a chomper swallowed me.  A teammate decimated him during the swallow animation and I walked away with full health.  Also, I've been vanquished many times while my chomper is going into the burrow animation.  I wonder if you're falling victim more to the lag that often happens in this game rathe than the chomper abilities themselves, regarding the swallow vanguishes.

Message 5 of 7 (525 Views)

Re: Chompers and how to fix them.

★ Guide

If you feel annoyed by the Chomper I can tell you that I feel just the same about The Imp. When he tosses that forcefield and goes under you with ImpKata there is nothing you can do but wait for you to die. And Imps are almost impossible to hit with the aim.
Also I think Scientists have WAY WAY to much mobility and dmg output. I know they usually have to get close but I have tried the Scientist and compared to the Sunflower he is so much better.
And some do have longer range dmg...

So let me tell you that Chomper is in my eyes nothing to worry about.
But thats how I feel...I respect your opinion.

Message 6 of 7 (507 Views)

Re: Chompers and how to fix them.

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Expert

I master all my chompers and enjoy chompers abilities. When I play as Zombies, I got eaten by Chompers. In the beginning, I kind of get frustrated little bit, somehow being eaten alive feel more hurt then being shot/explode. Since I master all my chompers, I know all chomper tricks and weakness, I adjust my playing style and watch out for them. Then it's not a problem anymore.


Moral of story, in PVZ2, every character are given tools to counter attack other character abilities. You just need to observed, learn and adjust your playing style then you will find out that it's a balance game.

Message 7 of 7 (485 Views)