TSTO - Extra Copies of Same Building (0ver 60 Salient Red Factories)

by mtnbkrgrrl

Original Post

Accepted Solution

TSTO - Extra Copies of Same Building (0ver 60 Salient Red Factories)

★★ Newbie

My TSTO has 30+ Salient Red Factories covering a large portion of my Springfield.  I also have 36 Salient Red Factories in my inventory.  I can change the phase of the building, but I can't delete any.  Sure would love to get rid of the 60+ buildings so I can see my town again....HELP PLEASE!



Message 1 of 2 (136 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: TSTO - Extra Copies of Same Building (0ver 60 Salient Red Factories)

Hero (Retired)

Somebody else had that problem recently.  Here's the thread.


Most likely you'll have to contact Customer Support. When setting up the case select "Technical support" as your Topic, then later "Game performance" as your Issue.

View in thread

Message 2 of 2 (135 Views)

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Re: TSTO - Extra Copies of Same Building (0ver 60 Salient Red Factories)

Hero (Retired)

Somebody else had that problem recently.  Here's the thread.


Most likely you'll have to contact Customer Support. When setting up the case select "Technical support" as your Topic, then later "Game performance" as your Issue.

Message 2 of 2 (136 Views)