[INFO] Treehouse of Horror XXV Guide

by EA_Stephen

Original Post

[INFO] Treehouse of Horror XXV Guide

[ Edited ]
Community Manager (retired)

Crafting – What is it and what does it do?

Crafting is a new feature unlocked with the “Make-a-Thing Workshop” (Unlocked with the quest “Free Hugs Pt.4”) and available for the Halloween Treehouse of Horrors update.


That sounds fun! But why would I want to do it?

Crafting is great and there are a series of special Halloween items only available through crafting like Hugo and The Grand Pumpkin!




Ok, I’m ready to get started what do I do?

Great! To start click on the “Make-a-Thing Workshop” to open the Craft Panel.

Alternatively, you can select the icon in the top right corner.




(If the panel does not open, make sure you have completed the quest “Free Hugs Pt.4”)




What is all of that stuff?

The Craft Panel shows all of the available crafting items and their respective requirements.


Requirements? You mean I don’t get the items right away!

Of course not! It’s Halloween and not Christmas in Springfield. Luckily though the citizens of Springfield are giving away all of the materials you need in Treat Bags!

[Image of a trick-or-treat bag]


Treat bags? Where can I get those?

Treat Bags can be gotten in a variety of ways:

Treat bags are received by sending kids on special Halloween Trick or Treating tasks that reward the bagsUnlocked on the Personal Prize Tracks during the event

Received as a Daily Login Bonus

Shooting down UFO in a friends town

Available in the build menu.

Premium characters (i.e. Uter, Database, etc…) are guaranteed to drop at least a silver bag!


I have some bags now but they are all different colors!

There are 3 different bags Bronze, Silver and Gold, each bag is guaranteed to contain a mix of 2 specific materials and 4 others.




How can I open and keep track of my Treat bags and crafting materials?

This can all be done in the Craft Panel. Your treat bags are shown at the top of the panel and can be opened by tapping on them. Your currentmaterials will be displayed on the bottom of the panel.


Why can’t I craft some items yet?

We have multiple items to craft and certain items will only unlock once certain criteria is met:

  • Certain items only unlock after a prerequisite item has been crafted (the Pumpkin House unlocks after you craft the Grand Pumpkin)
  • Prizes from your prize track will become available to craft if you missed them during the event


Is that everything that I need to know?

Pretty much! But here are some extra notes just for you:

  • The following items are unique and can only be crafted once:
    • The Grand Pumpkin
    • Rigellian Queen
    • Hugo
  • Crafting something will deduct the appropriate amounts from your current materials.


Can I get more information on other Halloween features?

Of course! See below:


Attacking the Alien Invaders - A-Board-with-a-Nail-in-it

Defend your town by squishing the alien invaders!

As part of the quest "Free Hugs Pt. 4" you will create your squishing tool: A-Board-with-a-Nail-in-it.

Once you have this item, you can tap on aliens to squish them and get rewards!

Your board can be upgraded multiple times (increasing the alien squishing power) via the Craft Panel!




Shooting Down UFOs

Once you complete the quest “Restricted Air Space Pt. 2” you will have a chance to spawn a “UFO” when visiting your friends’ towns.

These UFOs will fly over and you can tap them to shoot them down and defend your friend’s town.

Shooting UFOs requires ammo (received in Treat bags)

For every UFO you shoot down you can earn special Halloween rewards!



After completing the quest “They’re Baaaack!” you will unlock the leaderboards.

The leaderboard can be accessed from the Friends Map via a special Leaderboard button.





The leaderboard will display the event rankings between yourself and your friends. Your friends will be listed as either Facebook or Origin names.

You will be able to see ranking between you and your friends and keep track of your score through this panel.




You can earn points for the leaderboard by participating in social play during the Halloween event:

  • Place Grem-Alien Eggs in your friends’ towns
  • Squish Grem-Aliens in your town
  • Having Grem-Aliens survive a raid on your friend’s town


Account Reset / Logged out of Origin

If you open the game and find yourself starting the game from the beginning, it is possible that you have been logged out of Origin. To log back in follow the steps below:

  • Completely close The Simpsons: Tapped Out
  • Restart your device
  • Open The Simpsons: Tapped Out
  • On the start screen select the Origin Login icon in the bottom left corner of the screen
  • Login to Origin
  • Click to continue and resume your game


If you do not have an Origin account or have logged in and have still found your game to be reset, please contact our customer service representatives at the link below: http://help.ea.com/en/


Device Full Message


If you are attempting to update The Simpsons: Tapped Out and keep getting a “Device Full” message please check the below:



  • Make space on your device and attempt to update again



  • Check if you have space on your device or on your SD card
  • If you have space on your SD card but the application is installed on your device you will need to delete the application, “Clear all data,” and reinstall to your SD card


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