Re: Gil's deal for Duff Garden missing

by apriltara

Original Post

Re: Gil's deal for Duff Garden missing

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice

Oh thank goodness! I was afraid that the one Gil offer that appealed to me was going to be snatched away by a glitch. I can wait. As long as the patch is before the deadline.

Message 71 of 176 (784 Views)

Re : Gil's deal for Duff Garden missing

★★ Apprentice
Yep he's gone. Ea support said they are not working on the issue for us when I chatted about an hour ago... Seriously angry now! How can you NOT be working to fix this?!?
Message 72 of 176 (776 Views)

Re : Gil's deal for Duff Garden missing

★★★ Novice
They told me they were working on it
Message 73 of 176 (774 Views)

Re : Gil's deal for Duff Garden missing

★ Apprentice


Same problem here and tried everything Frown

Message 74 of 176 (735 Views)

Re : Gil's deal for Duff Garden missing

[ Edited ]
★★★ Novice

I trust TSTO Addicts. They said that EA is working on it, so I believe them. But, if we want a fix, please, still report it. We need as many people telling them it's an issue as possible.

Message 75 of 176 (723 Views)

Re : Gil's deal for Duff Garden missing

★ Novice

I'm playing on iPad and iPhone. Gil's Deal appeared once and is now missing. The same thing happened for me with Gil's Whacking Day Deal, but didn't bother me cause I wasn't interested back then.


I'd really like to get Duff Gardens and hope EA can fix this.

Message 76 of 176 (700 Views)

Re: Gil's deal for Duff Garden missing

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice
Me too. Declined at first to find out more about it. Not in my shop anywhere. Visited friends. Visited Krusty land. Reinstalled. Reset device. Nothing.

Very frustrated- as I want to buy this now and can't.

UPDATE: Just chatted with EA support, Sandeep: they confirmed it as a known issue and said that they are actively working on it. I was assured that they'd do something for every player suffering the bug to ensure that they wouldn't miss out on the offer. Let's hope so...

UPDATE 2:,Chased up EA and got this response:

"And upon checking, I like to share that our Studio is aware of this glitch and is currently working on to fix it. So, it should be going back after the next game update or sooner"
Message 77 of 176 (706 Views)

Re: Gil's deal for Duff Garden missing

★ Novice

Same thing is happening on my game and on my daughter's. I declined the offer so I could finish what I was doing, went back and it was gone. Checked all the menu options, cleared the cache and data, uninstalled and reinstalled, still no Gil

Message 78 of 176 (675 Views)

Re : Gil's deal for Duff Garden missing

★★★ Novice
Hi Zoe, I'm having the same problem as everyone else except I didn't try uninstall / reinstall because it's not working for anyone else so obviously that's not the problem.

I used to be a premium player then switched to freemium for a while. Duff Gardens is an item that made me actually want to buy & spend some donuts again & now I can't. Please fix it and extend the timer to buy Duff Gardens. Thanks.
Message 79 of 176 (673 Views)

Re : Gil's deal for Duff Garden missing

★★★ Newbie

Contacted ea today and they said that many people have had this problem and that it is being investigated.

Not to worry.


Message 80 of 176 (667 Views)