Re: Community springfields

by chicklet333

Original Post

Community springfields

★★★ Novice
So my understanding is that the community was gaining goo based on all players around the world gathering goo. Understand that would be a pretty big programming undertaking but the increase in goo is a consistent number regardless of time of day. Simple calculations show that we may not get the last community prize... Perhaps my math is off.
Message 1 of 5 (102 Views)

Re: Community springfields

★ Pro

We don't know what the final number will be. It had be increasing in the same amount until the ghost bomb.  I was thinking that we wouldn't make it unless they make the number low. They should because of all the glitches there are many people who have NOT been able to play. That does effect the total. So they should make sure it's something reachable and worth it. Not just some lame thing that doesn't really do anything for us.

Message 2 of 5 (95 Views)

Re: Community springfields

★★★ Novice
Looks like it will take 8 days at current rate to get the next community prize. So depending on how much the final prize costs we will have about two weeks.
Message 3 of 5 (93 Views)

Re: Community springfields

★★★ Novice
We should get the weird looking gloppy looking guy Tuesday afternoon. Guess we will find out whether the last item will be reachable or not. Anyone know what the heck the last one is?
Message 4 of 5 (87 Views)

Re: Community springfields

★ Pro

I'm not sure but it better be something that is worth it. You can get a good look at what the next prize looks like by tapping on the hammer and saw icon then tap on the golden Homer (that looks like an Oscar Award) then tap on Treehouse of Horrors XXIV and you will see Witch, Snorky and last character. So we will get xp points and cash for having the complete set (that's if you have all 10 prizes that you earn with goo or donuts). It looks like Homers head and some sort of building with something around it. Clouds? Mountains? Anyone else know?. 

Message 5 of 5 (85 Views)