Re: Phantom Bow Master Dog Tag Not Unlocking

by CyberDyme

Original Post

Phantom Bow Master Dog Tag Not Unlocking

★★★ Newbie

So I recently checked battlelog and it said that I had 500+ kills with the Phantom Bow but it still hasn’t given me the Phantom Bow Master dog tag yet. I’m not sure if it’s something on my part or what. Also, I know I’m a few years late on this but was the 4th Floor Dog Tag only given to those that played the Hardline beta or was it just to anyone that’s played BFH. My username on PS4 is OpticSnypers. Thanks!

Message 1 of 2 (386 Views)

Re: Phantom Bow Master Dog Tag Not Unlocking

★★★★★ Expert

@The_Final_Stare wrote:

So I recently checked battlelog and it said that I had 500+ kills with the Phantom Bow but it still hasn’t given me the Phantom Bow Master dog tag yet. I’m not sure if it’s something on my part or what....   PS4 is OpticSnypers. 

Hi @The_Final_Stare ,

Look indeed a bit weird, as you are noted to have the full Premium profile and also that you have completed the full Phantom Operative program.

But when checking your battlelog soldier, then the weapon master dog tag for the Phantom Bow is entirely missing!

You have only 130 weapon master dog tags listed in total, while with the Phantom Bow Master Tag, it should be 131 tags in total.

So indeed, something is messed up in your Battlelog profile, as its not even visible (awarded or not).  While all the pre-requisites are fulfilled by you to have it there in your dog tags to pursue.  So the EA Support needs to fix something in your Battlelog Soldier recordings...  (and recent similar battlelog related requests from other players does not give a positive impression on their ability/willingness to do so at this late stage anymore...)



BF4 Only 130 weapon master dog tags.JPG


Regarding your second question:

@The_Final_Stare wrote:

... Also, I know I’m a few years late on this but was the 4th Floor Dog Tag only given to those that played the Hardline beta or was it just to anyone that’s played BFH. My username on PS4 is OpticSnypers. Thanks!

Yes indeed, this was only awarded to the players that actively participated in the BF Hardline Beta testing.

Message 2 of 2 (345 Views)