PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!! cant access multiplayer or main menu while one the PSN (PS3) PLEASE HELP!!

by bcomlegend

Original Post

PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!! cant access multiplayer or main menu while one the PSN (PS3) PLEASE HELP!!

★ Novice

after the press start screen (i press start) it shows nothing, just the background and the loading icon (top right) when im on the PSN. But when im offline it shows the menu. so i tried to log back in, then i hit MULTIPLAYER and it just shows the background again with loading icon. And so i left it for about an hour. and it was still loading. ITS SO FRUSTRATING, not being able to play multiplayer!! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!!! I bought the game off the PSN store. I tried deleting and redownloading it, but its still not working.

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