Assignment "Final Duty" not unlocking

by Aotearas

Original Post

Re: I just finished the BF4 campaign and got nothing unlocked.

★ Apprentice

Oh and a potential 'fix' for some: I had an issue where I completed the campaign but battlelog said I hadn't finished Tashgar and hadn't completed the campaign (even though it listed my scores in both Tashgar and Suez).


I think this had something to do with going back into Tashgar after completing the campaign but quitting out of Tashgar. When I went back and played Tashgar all the way through, Battlelog then accepted I had completed the whole campaign (including Suez).


In summary, restarting a mission and quitting out may 'tag' you as having not completed the campaign anymore.

Message 41 of 175 (14,955 Views)

Re: I just finished the BF4 campaign and got nothing unlocked.

★★ Novice
Surely this is a bug though, and it will be dispatched to the DICE team immediately, I presume?
Message 42 of 175 (14,921 Views)

Re: I just finished the BF4 campaign and got nothing unlocked.

★ Apprentice

Seems like a bug to me, though it does warn you "Your progress will be lost" if you restart missions...

Message 43 of 175 (14,590 Views)

battlefield 4 single player end of campaign not saving nor getting unlocks

★ Novice

i just beat all three endings of bf4 and non of my progress has been saved from 

TASHGAR to the final mission

so that means i dont get the tashgar unlocks or final choice unlocks, i had gold rank on all of them

the only thing i did was when the cedits rolled the second and third time on the final mission i restarted the mission but that doesn't explain any reason why tashgar didn't load, also it said all the dogtags and assignments were unlocked on the screen


Message 44 of 175 (13,899 Views)

I completed the BF4 CAMPAIGN on pc,but nothing unlocked

★★★ Newbie

no new weapon,no dogtag,nothing unlocked

battlelog still is 


Message 45 of 175 (14,049 Views)

Assignment unlock from BF4 campaign not unlocking.

★ Novice

Why have  I spent £90 on BF4 Premium? So far I have unlocked the same shotgun 4 times and I still haven't got it! I'm assuming EA servers are not saving my score all the time either. VERY dissappointing.

Message 46 of 175 (13,894 Views)

Re: I just finished the BF4 campaign and got nothing unlocked.

★★★ Newbie

Kinda the same here


Played the campaign on hard and got all the assignments and unlocks, but I don't get anything from the multiplayer assignments. They don't count anything at all.

I have also noted that in the loadout on battlelog, it tells me that I got the RPG in the engineer loadout, but I have not even unlocked it yet.

Lets hope that they will fix it soon cause it is just weird.

Message 47 of 175 (14,284 Views)

Assignment unlock from BF4 campaign not unlocking.

★★ Novice

I am having multiple issues with the cmpaign mode. Completed SUEZ with over 6000 points three times, got the P90 unlocked but not the Peace Maker assignment complete. I can't find the Saiga 12 anywhere to unlock. My personal dog tags I unlocked in campaign come and go in my dog tag selection screen. It shows 2 tags I have but can't use, there is no picture of them, just a description- Dima Dog Tag & Designated Driver Dog Tag. I've completed all 3 ending but didn't receive the trophy. Will these issues bee fixed?

Message 48 of 175 (14,023 Views)


★ Novice
Hi on the bf4 i have done the campanige assignement but i did not recive the campanige assignements stuff like the machete and some weapons i dont remember the names and a that knife you use when you escape from the prison in campanige please help me.

Message 49 of 175 (13,872 Views)

Assignment "Final Duty" not unlocking

★★★★ Novice

Just chose the respective ending to clear that assignment as I did for the other two ones ... only this time it didn't unlock it. I had the assignment medal pop-up allright, but when I checked back in Battlelog, it was still greyed out and the weapon likewise still locked.


Help? Fix? Known issue?

Message 50 of 175 (13,863 Views)