FPS drop after 13th of February maintenance

by 1v1meRust

Original Post

FPS drop after 13th of February maintenance

★ Novice

I would like to know why am I getting such a terrible performance while playing battlefield after yesterday's maintenance work. Yesterday I've had lag spikes, no sound and all, but today things grew even worse than the were. I ussualy play on Ultra-High settings (I let Raptr do the optimisations) and always get around 45-55 fps and on some extreme "lots of stuff onscreen" moments it drops to 40 but that is totally playable for me. Now regardless on what settings I play with I get 15-30 fps and there is NO difference in frames be it Ultra settings or Low! I have Radeon HD 7850 2gb overclocked. Newest AMD drivers (14.1). Tried turning Mantle off and on, no difference! Sorry if there are any mistakes english is not my native language. 

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