Connectivity Problem

by Jake_Sublime

Original Post

Connectivity Problem

★★★ Newbie

First off, in my server browser, i can only see at the maximum 20 servers when i have all of the search filters blank.


When i do find a server, no matter what i do or if im the only person on the network, i lag like hell, cant hear people, and eventually get bootd ue to connectivity problems.


In my routers settings, i placed my ps4 into the DMZ (Should i port forward instead?). I have a connection of 3.25MB up, 1.10MB down. I also play destiny, gtaV, minecraft... and none of them lag, whatsoever. 


Well, gtaV is wierd sometimes, but thats a given.


Anyways, PLEASE HELP! This has been going on for faarr too long! its made this game completely UNPLAYABLE! I bought my ps4 SOULY for bf4!! 



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