BF4 Packet Loss (Still)

by Nihil5320

Original Post

BF4 Packet Loss (Still)

★★★ Apprentice

So... BF4 still getting the packetloss issue?


My connection to this server gives this result via in game tests. Outside of BF4?


Ping statistics for 
Packets: Sent = 200, Received = 200, Lost = 0 (0% loss), 
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: 
Minimum = 16ms, Maximum = 37ms, Average = 18ms 

 Only seems to be on outgoing packets, possible issue with servers dropping incoming packets under high load?


Test is consistent on ethernet and wireless, no issues with any other games or applications. Test is not consistent on the same servers at different times, some days a specific server will be fine and others not.

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