Addressing Battlefield 4 Rubber Banding Issues

by XXXO77O4906

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Addressing Battlefield 4 Rubber Banding Issues

★★★★★ Expert

We wanted to provide a quick update on the issues with Battlefield 4 “rubber banding” that some players on certain platforms have experienced during matches with 64 players.


Looking into this further, we’re unhappy with our server performance, so we’ll be upgrading the hardware as soon as possible, investing more to deliver a better experience.


As soon as we know the exact timetable, we’ll let you know the ETA. Reducing lag for these players is absolutely a top priority for us to solve and we expect to have the solution very soon.


Stay tuned to our official channels for more information.





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Re: Addressing Battlefield 4 Rubber Banding Issues

★★★★★ Expert

Hi everyone,


As you know, we’ve been looking into resolving the “rubber banding” that some players on certain platforms have experienced with Battlefield 4 after the recent release of Naval Strike.  We’ve found that the root cause of the issue was a configuration of certain hardware types dedicated to 64-player matches.


We have invested in new hardware to resolve this issue and deployed new higher-performance servers this week. In preparation, we conducted a significant amount of testing before installing the new servers to ensure they would correct the issue. We are already seeing performance improvement with 64-player matches and expect this to continue.


While the process took longer than we would’ve liked, we wanted to be 100% sure it was done right and that the long-term solution was properly in



Our objective is to deliver the best player experience possible. We feel this solution helps us deliver that to you. Stay tuned to our official channels for

more information.




Karl Magnus Troedsson, DICE VP & GM

keyart KM




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