Re: Origin on Linux

by ragnarok013

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Origin on Linux

★★★★★ Newbie

Hi! I want to change my SO from w7 to ubuntu linux but i don't know if work battlefield 3 on linux. Can someone tell me if works ? If yes, how can i do to run it ?

Message 1 of 27 (112,198 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: Origin on Linux

[ Edited ]

OP I'm a long time Ubuntu user and agree with poster 2 about game performance in Ubuntu via the wine application - you're better off dual booting Windows and Unbuntu.  I use Ubuntu for everything but syncing my iphone and playing games which I use Win XP for.


Ubtunbu has the Wubi function which allows you to install the OS from inside windows like a regular program, I recommend going to the Ubuntu forums to see the best way to dual boot Windows 7\Unbuntu since they'll have the most up to date information.

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Message 3 of 27 (119,903 Views)

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Re: Origin on Linux


people have got Origin to run on linux and battlefield 3 but it's realy hard and buggy + you only get like 5 FPS do to you having to run it on wine and wine has little Dx11 Support

Message 2 of 27 (111,771 Views)

Re: Origin on Linux

[ Edited ]

OP I'm a long time Ubuntu user and agree with poster 2 about game performance in Ubuntu via the wine application - you're better off dual booting Windows and Unbuntu.  I use Ubuntu for everything but syncing my iphone and playing games which I use Win XP for.


Ubtunbu has the Wubi function which allows you to install the OS from inside windows like a regular program, I recommend going to the Ubuntu forums to see the best way to dual boot Windows 7\Unbuntu since they'll have the most up to date information.

Please mark a thread as solved if a post solves your issue.

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Message 3 of 27 (119,904 Views)

Re: Origin on Linux

★★★ Newbie

always saying dual boot but why use linux if we buy windows ..., the games' developpers need start think make games updated for linux too.


for moment i try configure wine for use my origin's games but i don't buy anymore EA's games without a linux support (native linux or a working auto install script for wine/playonlinux)

Message 4 of 27 (111,368 Views)

Re: Origin on Linux

@dmnncls wrote:

always saying dual boot but why use linux if we buy windows ..., the games' developpers need start think make games updated for linux too.


for moment i try configure wine for use my origin's games but i don't buy anymore EA's games without a linux support (native linux or a working auto install script for wine/playonlinux)

I used Linux because it's more secure than windows, there are no viruses in the wild for Linux, it's free, and it gives me the freedom to customize my user experience in ways that windows does not.  Linux also extends the life and performance of aging hardware since it's not as resource intensive as and of the Windows family of OSs.  Many of us dual boot because we already has a copy of Windows from before we transitioned to Linux and some features like iTunes syncing and gaming simply run better in WIndows since it doesnt have to be emulated like we do in Wine.  You can probably pick up a cheap copy of XP\Vista\Win7 on Amazon or Ebay if you don't have a Windows OS already to dual boot.

Please mark a thread as solved if a post solves your issue.

EA Answers HQ Volunteer Forum Moderator

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Message 5 of 27 (111,356 Views)

Re: Origin on Linux

★★★ Newbie

I think the problem is mainly that there hasn´t been a lot of innovation in video games technology for PC these times. While most software today can be ported to Linux easily , a lot of game engines used today are rather old and not designed to be used on Linux. A lot of engines are also primitively designed for game consoles (which personnaly i dont like because the PC and console gameplays are different).

Developping a new engine is a real challenge these days and the engine also determines Linux / Mac support. The older Source (CSS, HL2, DoD, Left for Dead)  is a notable exception since its heavy OpenGL support makes it possible for gamesto be ported on Linux easily, but it is too old and it´s not used anymore.

Today´s used engines are focused on consoles and rather old : RAGE (Rockstar 2006), Crystal Tools (FFXIV engine, designed in 2005), MT (Capcom 2006), Infinity Ward (CoD) 2009, CryEngine (Crysis 1 2, Far Cry 1 2 3 etc) 2007... The next big engines seem to be Unreal 4 and Frostbite 3 but I don´t think they will support Linux.

At EA they use rather modern engines (Frostbite 2 is the BF3 engine) that seem to be completely focused on DirectX and therefore hard to port to Linux (youd have to use Wine). It seems they will be following the same way with Frostbite 3 (BF4).


This means most future games will be hard to play on Linux.

Message 6 of 27 (109,378 Views)

Re: Origin on Linux

★★★★ Novice

I had enough with Windows and jumped straight to Linux at home.  Guess I'll have to just stick with Steam since they are the big players and started to push Linux support. And yes I pay for Linux games.  Only way EA/BF4 is getting my money is through Linux.


P.S. Linux Source Opengl out performs refined Windows Source DirectX

Message 7 of 27 (106,831 Views)

Re: Origin on Linux

★★★ Newbie

The sad thing is that Call of Duty is on Steam and is the top ranked download... Why Can't EA ditch Origin?
Origin has a bad user interface, crashes regularly and has more intrusive ads than Steam. It does not have support for Linux either.

Origin is a prime example of how blinded EA has become by greed. I can guarantee that EA would have had more sales if they sold the games on Steam.


I want EA to embrace both Steam and Linux. The few EA games that are available on Steam are far more stable than their Origin versions, so EA is obviously doing something wrong.

Message 8 of 27 (104,905 Views)

Re: Origin on Linux

★★★ Novice

I'm eagerly anticipating the release of Steambox.  I'm betting the "console-pc" based on Linux will be a market breaker and a turning point for PC gaming.  Hopefully Origin is already looking at moving towards Linux based games too but I do wonder if they have the time to even think about what the competition is doing, while they are running around trying to fix broken games.

Message 9 of 27 (102,382 Views)

Re: Origin on Linux

★★★ Newbie

I also would like to see Origin on Linux, maybe by using SteamOS as base. Like Steam Big Picture mode. Of source it should also be possible to run Orgin standalone on every Linix distro.


That said, I'm looking out for the first Native AAA EA Game on Linux.

Message 10 of 27 (96,308 Views)