Re: Account Corruption?

by cslxmaverick

Original Post

Account Corruption?

★★★ Newbie

Every time I sign into Battlefield 3 I get an alert that my account info is corrupted and it act like I've never played the game, notifying me of all my unlocks, medals, tags, ect. It also alerts me to "congratulations! you've unlocked this that or the other, now adjust your brightness." I don't understand what's going on. Can anyone help? Has anyone else had this issue?

Message 1 of 3 (91 Views)

Re: Account Corruption?

★★★ Newbie
This happends to me as well, this is the best answer I have for the issue, when you have bean reported for cheating or modding your profile/saved game gets investigated by ea for the mod or cheat that you are useing by compairing it to a original code list of the game content to see if there is a difference in the code, so if there is a mod or cheat it will show itself with a code that not soposed to be there, witch in the end leaves your save courupt, so in the end there is nothing to worry about, its natrual, and it means that you were to good for someone and they cryed about it
Message 2 of 3 (77 Views)

Re: Account Corruption?

★★★ Newbie

Well thank you haha, do you know if it will ever go away? It gets annoying have to get rid of the little yellow tags every time I sign in to play.

Message 3 of 3 (68 Views)