Do you have the HP Omen... i need your help.

by aly975

Original Post

Do you have the HP Omen... i need your help.

[ Edited ]
★ Apprentice

If anyone has the HP omen desktop (the one with the 1080-ti preferably, but any is fine) would you be ever so kind to help test a piece of cc in your game... my laptop is not displaying some cc hairs and i have been looking into the HP omen gaming computers but i really dont want to go and spend all that money just for the same issues to keep happening, so if someone could test it out on thiers and let me know that would be greatly appreciated.


The issue i am seeing is thin white lines when i am at a distance from the sim. (can only really see them on dark hair colour swatches) When i am zoomed in close, there is no lines the hair looks perfect... but as soon as you start zooming out from the sim the lines appear.


Here are a few pieces of cc that cause me issues (they are just hairstyles):


These can all be found on thesimsresource


  1. Ade - Durham
  2.  LeahLillith Raine Hair
  3.  LeahLillith Barbiegirl Hair

EDIT (crin): Removed cc links. CC and mods links are not allowed at AHQ as they are againt AHQ TOS. Please only name mods and cc, not link.

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