Continuous lag within madden 18?

by Ryankevin8898

Original Post

Accepted Solution

Continuous lag within madden 18?

★★ Novice

Is there anyone else who suffers bad lag/frame rate in madden 18? Even in the solos I'm lagging and that's with a wired connection

Message 1 of 74 (26,311 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: Continuous lag within madden 18?

Community Manager



So there are a some things I want to point out on this.


1) Basic connectivity troubleshooting is the first place to start:


2) Depending on how your internet is set up, you may need to open/forward the ports detailed here:


3) Something that is often overlooked is the possibility of lag (especially what is sometimes referred to as input lag) actually being caused by your TV. The TL;DR on this is to check that you are using your TVs 'Gaming Mode' as this will generally reduce this kind of lag/delay to a minimum. There are plenty of online resources on this subject that a quick search will help you with.


4) Something else we see is players saying "why do I have lag, my connection is 100mbps up and down", I just want to differentiate between a fast connection and a good quality connection as they are different aspects of your connectivity. You may have a really fast connection but are using Wi-Fi and your console is 'far' from your router and so the quality is not what it could be. The ideal way to deal with this is to connect your console and router directly with a cable rather than wirelessly. I know this is not always possible and if this is the case, moving your console or router a small distance (like less than 6 feet) can make a difference.


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Message 5 of 74 (34,111 Views)

All Replies

Re: Continuous lag within madden 18?

★★★★★ Novice

Me too man, my computer is running speed tests at 120 download and 120 upload..... the playstation's speed test shows just 60 download and like 6 upload. And they are both wired connections. However if i run speed test on playstations web browser it says 75ish download and 55 upload. I don't get it. But every online game has the same slight lag.... its not the worst lag ive seen but IT IS SUPER ANNOYING and consistent.

Message 2 of 74 (26,001 Views)

Re: Continuous lag within madden 18?

★★★ Newbie
Yeah man, constant, it's not even just one time every game I've played so far nothin g but constant lag.
Message 3 of 74 (25,938 Views)

Re: Continuous lag within madden 18?

★★★ Newbie
It seems to be happening to PS4 users mainly. I'm super mad about it, they need to respond to the issue and fix it. I didn't pay 80 something dollars for a GOAT edition that plays like a laggy beta.
Message 4 of 74 (25,824 Views)

Re: Continuous lag within madden 18?

Community Manager



So there are a some things I want to point out on this.


1) Basic connectivity troubleshooting is the first place to start:


2) Depending on how your internet is set up, you may need to open/forward the ports detailed here:


3) Something that is often overlooked is the possibility of lag (especially what is sometimes referred to as input lag) actually being caused by your TV. The TL;DR on this is to check that you are using your TVs 'Gaming Mode' as this will generally reduce this kind of lag/delay to a minimum. There are plenty of online resources on this subject that a quick search will help you with.


4) Something else we see is players saying "why do I have lag, my connection is 100mbps up and down", I just want to differentiate between a fast connection and a good quality connection as they are different aspects of your connectivity. You may have a really fast connection but are using Wi-Fi and your console is 'far' from your router and so the quality is not what it could be. The ideal way to deal with this is to connect your console and router directly with a cable rather than wirelessly. I know this is not always possible and if this is the case, moving your console or router a small distance (like less than 6 feet) can make a difference.

Message 5 of 74 (34,112 Views)

Re: Continuous lag within madden 18?

★★★★★ Novice
Thx for the reply! However I have already tried all connection trouble shooting. I have been on the phone with AT&T, PSN, and EA for 3 days. They have forwarded my ports twice just to make sure. I'm 99.9% sure it's madden 18's servers as madden 17 NEVER lagged for me on same connection. I also see people in my leagues and in Facebook communities posting about lag on 18 but they never had lag on 17.
Message 6 of 74 (25,544 Views)

Re: Continuous lag within madden 18?

★★★★★ Novice
It's confirmed sir, I just re-downloaded madden 17 and it's running clear as day on same exact connection! Closed it out and jumped right into 18 and I have same continuous lag. It must be an issue in my area with Madden 18's servers. (Charleston SC)
Message 7 of 74 (25,511 Views)

Re: Continuous lag within madden 18?

★★★★★ Novice
Yea man worst lag I've ever seen, I spent 4 days on phone with my internet provider, PSN AND EA! Then finally today I said you know what let me try something, I re-downloaded madden 17 and went online and played a game, SURE ENOUGH RUNS PERFECT! This confirms that it's an issue with madden 18 servers in certain areas.
Message 8 of 74 (25,509 Views)

Re: Continuous lag within madden 18?

★★★ Newbie

This lag has nothing to do with TV sets as it did not happen with previous maddens or even games that run at a higher frame rate. This happens on mut solo challenge, play now, franchise. So connectivity has nothing to do with it. Please update as this happens to way to many people to be a tv input lag issue.

Message 9 of 74 (25,463 Views)

Re: Continuous lag within madden 18?

★★★ Newbie

I agree with this guy.

Message 10 of 74 (25,437 Views)