$20.00 Promo Code Not Working

by Phase_Cat7

Original Post

Re: Promo Code Not Working

★ Novice

So it looks like they sent out another round of e-mails apologizing for the error. It seems a lot of people were somehow using the codes repeatedly, so they stopped them from working. They included another code in this new e-mail stating the promition runs through 10/21. These new codes still do not work. I have sent them an e-mail. I will update you guys when I hear back.

Message 11 of 18 (1,100 Views)

Re: Promo Code Not Working

★★ Novice

It says in the fine print they don't work on everything on Origin.  They work for neither the standard or digital deluxe versions of Mass Effect 3, but they do work for Kingdoms of Amalaur.

Message 12 of 18 (1,098 Views)

Re: Promo Code Not Working

★ Novice

Yeah I read that part. Doesn't say anything about Mass Effect 2 though. It should work as that game has been out for some time.I asked them for a more detailed list of the games that are not included. We will see what they say.

Message 13 of 18 (1,096 Views)

Re: Promo Code Not Working

★ Novice

I actually received a rather quick reply. They are telling me they can do a Post Purchase refund. Meaning I pay full price, they then refund $20 onto my card. Better than nothing I guess. Still getting the discount, just as a "Rebate" style.

Message 14 of 18 (1,094 Views)

Re: Promo Code Not Working

[ Edited ]
Community Manager (retired)

For those with the new coupon, here is a direct link to every title which is available in the promotion: http://store.origin.com/store/ea/en_US/DisplayCategoryProductListPage/categoryID=60369300%26childCat...


Also, please note that the code "OS3874XVC" is no longer valid and will not work for any purchases.


Hope that helps!

Message 15 of 18 (2,314 Views)

Re: Promo Code Not Working

★★ Novice

I wish Mass Effect 3 had been on that list.  Guess it'll be another year before I buy it.

Message 16 of 18 (1,079 Views)

Re: Promo Code Not Working

★★ Novice

so the code only works on pc games, BIG surprise. EA what a croc, You're quality in titles gets worse and worse every month anyway. One less customer now because of these charades.

Message 17 of 18 (1,074 Views)

Re: Promo Code Not Working

★ Novice

Well, Im a little dissapointed that its PC only. But I play my PC more than my Xbox. So I got Mass Effect 1, and Pinnacle Station for Free because of this Promo. Once I beat it, I will purchase two. Thanks EA for the Credit. Next time though, you might want to be a little more honest and thorough with what your customers are receiving with a promo like this.

Message 18 of 18 (1,054 Views)