[WORKAROUND] [PH] Children will not stop making messes

by LsCrmr

Original Post

Accepted Solution

[WORKAROUND] [PH] Children will not stop making messes

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Novice

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Often (50% - 99%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All of them except: Moschino, Paranormal, Spooky Stuff, Throwback Fit Kit
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I raised my toddlers to a child, and now they will not stop making a mess
What happens when the bug occurs? All of my children will not stop making messes. They will automatically make messes as soon as they have nothing to do. For example: My child is done with their homework, boom start making a mess.
What do you expect to see? Them doing other activities, such as playing on the computer, watching television or playing with their dolls.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure 

The children have the neat personality traits and high responsibility, but still continue to splatter their paint on the floor. Time outs and punishments do not help one bit....


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Message 1 of 33 (8,903 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: Children will not stop making messes

★★★★ Pro

If you have dust to bust and clean floors (always +2inspired) it’s because of this buff. Kids makes mess if they inspired (It's sadly her favorite autonomy behaviour). You have 6 options:


  1. Disable Autonomy
  2. Remove the buff with a mod (ModTheSim, Lotharihoe or Zero)
  3. Use a mod to block the autonomy make mess (Bienchen or MCM Tuner)
  4. Don’t clear the floor for the other buff +1happy
  5. Remove the Kit completely via -disablepacks:SP22
  6. (Disable the Kit under game option // Toggle don’t work, it’s a bug //)

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Message 2 of 33 (8,866 Views)

All Replies

Re: Children will not stop making messes

★★★★ Pro

If you have dust to bust and clean floors (always +2inspired) it’s because of this buff. Kids makes mess if they inspired (It's sadly her favorite autonomy behaviour). You have 6 options:


  1. Disable Autonomy
  2. Remove the buff with a mod (ModTheSim, Lotharihoe or Zero)
  3. Use a mod to block the autonomy make mess (Bienchen or MCM Tuner)
  4. Don’t clear the floor for the other buff +1happy
  5. Remove the Kit completely via -disablepacks:SP22
  6. (Disable the Kit under game option // Toggle don’t work, it’s a bug //)
Message 2 of 33 (8,867 Views)

Re: Children will not stop making messes

★★★★ Expert

What @daikoyu said.


I don't have Bust the Dust, but I made the mistake of creating a child Sim with the creative trait, and... yeah.  To repeat myself from the "autonomy" thread (because it belongs here)...


As I joked to a friend:


Parenting -> Discipline Recent Behavior -> Over It -> Put Up For Adoption


At the same time, I worried that perhaps his relationship with his parents would be damaged because he was SO PERSISTENT in making messes that basically the only times an adult interacted with him it was either "help with homework or school project" or progressively stricter discipline for all those messes. Seriously:


Kid: makes mess

Parent: Parenting -> Discipline recent behavior -> calm -> ask not to make a mess

Kid: immediately makes more mess

Parent: Parenting -> Discipline recent behavior -> firm -> express disappointment for making a mess

Kid: immediately makes more mess

Parent: Parenting -> Discipline recent behavior -> strict -> give time out for making a mess

Kid: goes into timeout with a snit, then immediately makes more mess

Me: You little (#)@*#@&#& WILL YOU STOP!

Parent: Parenting -> Discipline recent behavior -> punish -> ground for making a mess

Kid: little orange tense sliver at the end of a mass of inspired moodlets, so immediately makes more mess

Me: Is there a "put child up for adoption" option on the computer?

Parent: Parenting -> Discipline recent behavior -> punish -> double ground for making a mess

Kid: immediately makes more mess

Me: I will not delete a child. I will not delete a child. I will not delete a child. I will not....

Parent: Parenting -> Discipline recent behavior -> punish -> triple ground for making a mess


Ad nauseum. Eventually I got the bug where all options were "stealthily," like "steathily use toilet, stealthily get leftovers, stealthily do homework, and then stealthily go to bed." LOL, except that he hemorrhaged responsibility, argh!


I've since downloaded Bienchen's mod forbidding autonomous messes. 


TL;DR:  @daikoyu is absolutely correct that if they're inspired their default idle appears to be make a mess.  It's THE WORST and needs to STOP.

Message 3 of 33 (8,835 Views)

Re: Children will not stop making messes

★ Guide

I can't imagine why they'd make "make mess" the default inspired action for children, when they seem absolutely determined to make half of the CAS objects for childrens re-colors of the exact same drawing station. Make them want to draw instead of wanting to misbehave! Where do they even get the stuff to make a mess with anyway? We never have to buy any ingredients, so why are are there so many of them around to the point children keep entire bottles of them on their person at all times...? Honestly, it breaks my immersion-- nevermind, this is becoming a rant.


As others have said, it's just tied to the clean floor inspired buff, and no matter how much you discipline your children with Parenting, they'll do it endlessly. Gotta love how impactful your Sims' actions are when they'll be disregarded not three seconds later!

Message 4 of 33 (8,819 Views)

Re: Children will not stop making messes

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Expert

@Saihyou  When I was 4, I scribbled all over one of my books because I had a mental image that the book would look gorgeous with intertwined scrollwork around the pages, which I didn't have the skill to execute (or the vocabulary to explain).  I never did it again after:


Mom:  Why did you do that?  WHY DID YOU DO THAT????? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT???????

Me: I... thought it would be... pretty?

Mom:  *disgusted eyeroll*


So I can see a kid autonomously making a mess once because they're inspired.  Maybe twice!  I can't see a kid spilling paint or chocolate syrup all over the floor a million times a day while their parents greet each mess with "You're grounded!  No TV, computer, phone, friends, leaving the house, or breathing!"


It's the PERSISTENCE of the activity that's immersion-breaking.  Whyyyyyyyyyy do they do this as their default idle activity? Seriously, guys, what's up with the tuning on this activity?

Message 5 of 33 (8,813 Views)

Re: Children will not stop making messes

★ Guide
@xochiquetzl_xkvn You at least scribbled on a book, that seems perfectly normal within the bounds of childhood logic. But as you say, having an endless supply of flour (I'd wonder if it's baby powder but let's be real, babies are objects in Sims 4, and the only object we powder in this game is the floor apparently), chocolate and paint that goes all over the floors endlessly as a default behavior, as opposed to scribbling or painting all over 1 of 97 variants of drawing station, makes no sense.

They could even give it a parallel to the smashed doll house! When kids do this, the drawing table is graffiti tagged to hell and back, and possibly even destroyed! It can be repaired, cleaned, whatever. But at least when it's done, it's DONE. It doesn't happen. Every. Thirty. Seconds.

Message 6 of 33 (8,773 Views)

Re: Children will not stop making messes

★★ Guide

I agree, it’s totally unbearable how much these stupid kids make messes. They could play an instrument, draw or play with dolls instead of making mess all the time when they’re inspired. I can understand toddlers making messes because they’re small but children look like 8-yo, they should know better especially if been grounded a few times. What is the point of parenting and high responsibility if it doesn’t affect their autonomy? 

Message 7 of 33 (8,726 Views)

Child glitch?

★★★ Novice

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? City living, Cats and dogs, get famous, get to work, get together, seasons, snowy escape, parent hood, stranger Ville, Nifty knitting, Tiny living, Toddler stuff, Vintage glamour
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Play a family with children, the instance of sim children making messes is constant now compared to before
What happens when the bug occurs? Children act out when normally they do not. My sims (all of them) now have children that constantly make messes even after being disciplined (by parents with lvl 10 parenting) and my sim children have never acted out constantly before. This is new behavior across all sim families I play with.
What do you expect to see? A sim child being punished and the punishment having effect, as it usually does in game play and less constant messes being made.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure 

Noticed this happening May 5th around 8 pm AST

Message 8 of 33 (8,672 Views)

Re: Child glitch?

★★★★ Expert

Yeah, my worst of the worst had the creative trait but lived with two level 10 parents and two level 10 grandparents.  If he was awake and on the lot and I didn't have tasks queued up for him, he was making a mess.  He had maxed responsibility. 


A child with maxed responsibility who is punished every waking minute for making messes every waking minute shouldn't continue to make messes!

Message 9 of 33 (8,617 Views)

Re: Child glitch?

★★★ Novice

I agree, and ive never had this happen in all my years playing the sims 4. It's so freaking annoying.

Message 10 of 33 (8,600 Views)