[OPEN] Unable to Rummage in World & Community Lot trash cans

by troshalom

Original Post

[OPEN] Unable to Rummage in World & Community Lot trash cans

[ Edited ]
★★★ Guide

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All EPs except DU and EL. All GPs except Vampires and ROM. SP: bowling, fitness, kids room, laundry day, movie hangout, 1st pet, toddler, vintage glamour.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Send a Sim to rummage in any neighborhood or community trash cans.
What happens when the bug occurs? A message pops up stating: "No fresh trash to rummage"
What do you expect to see? I expect there to be trash in the cans for the sims to rummage.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. June 2020 game patches.

This bug occurs whether mods are activated or inactivated.

sims trash bug.png


It makes it really hard to obtain parts to upgrade things when you can't rummage to find them. Now I will have to give my Sim simoleans and purchase them as a work around. But I would prefer the Sim rummage for the parts.


I asked Simmers on the sims forum if they have this issue and they responded yes with and without EL. No trash to rummage Forum Post 


Edit By Crinrict: Added Tag to Title

Message 1 of 32 (8,447 Views)

Re: Unable to Rummage in World & Community Lot trash cans

[ Edited ]

I have the Eco Lifestyle XP, all expansion packs, all stuff packs, and all game packs. I have never used mods or CC in my game. This happens to all worlds except the large trash bins in Port Promise. My sim's lot has the recycle and reuse trait.


The only way I can use the large trash bins at the community lot in the other neighborhoods in the eco lifestyle world is to set the community lot traits to have both of the lots traits, (recycle and landfill) that allow the large trash bins to be rummaged in.


All trash bins in other worlds can't be rummaged in. Every new game I have to play in Port Promise to be able to rummage in the trash bins and only the large trash bins work. My sim's lots always has the recycle lot traits. If I play in another world I have to hang out for a long while in Port Promise to only be able to either dumpster dive or collect componenets, etc. once.

Message 2 of 32 (8,385 Views)

Re: Unable to Rummage in World & Community Lot trash cans

[ Edited ]
★★ Pro

Possible workaround: I put a dumpster in my backyard and gave my lot the recycle trait and promptly removed all other trash bins so ONLY the dumpster would be used. Then I stuck a recycler next to it. Ever since then my SIM eats, I put the plate in the dumpster, and get anywhere from 1-3 dives for recyclables. Sure, the dumpster is a tacky look, but I want those bits and pieces! I admittedly feed my guests when I need social for their plates. Hahaha. My SIM is fed, her social goes up, and then I get even more dives to keep her job as a freelance maker going. Wink Plus I feel like a good host because I come from a family where if someone comes over, even to hang out, a lunch or dinner must be provided along with a variety of drinks to choose from. It's only good manners! *giggles*


To be fair to me though, I'd been making food and calling guests to the meal since I started playing because it is so ingrained in me that if someone drops by to hang out food should be involved. So honestly the discovery of an extra plate means extra dumpster dives was a happy coincidence. One I was very happy to discover. So mind those old fashioned manners, feed your guests, and fill up more than just your hunger and social! Just remember not to get so excited you leave your guest hanging because the dumpster is calling to you now that there are plates in it. Hahaha.


I do notice all the other options like diving for deals after I put a plate in, so you will get your full range. I just focused on the recycling because of her job.

Message 3 of 32 (8,362 Views)

Re: Unable to Rummage in World & Community Lot trash cans

★★★★★ Guide

adding the trait "Freegan" will help to improve those dumpster diving quality better!   what has The Sims become. lol

Message 4 of 32 (8,306 Views)

Re: [NEEDS INPUT] Unable to Rummage in World & Community Lot trash cans

[ Edited ]

@DragonAge_300905  Yes, it looks like you need to add the "Reduce & Recycle" lot trait, plus have trash that you added to the can. As soon as I did the other options come up. Even with the lot trait, the other can that I hadn't added to yet only had 'kick' as an option. 
Screen Shot 2020-07-06 at 4.21.30 AM.png

SheriGR   I don’t work for EA.

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Message 5 of 32 (8,148 Views)

Re: [NEEDS INPUT] Unable to Rummage in World & Community Lot trash cans

@SheriGR It's essentially this bug: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-External-Garbage-Cans-filling-up-without-needed-lot-Trait...

But as people might look for different angles, I have refrained from merging these issues.

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

Important Threads

Message 6 of 32 (8,122 Views)

Re: [NEEDS INPUT] Unable to Rummage in World & Community Lot trash cans

★★★★ Guide

I am having this issue as well I hope they fix this soon

Message 7 of 32 (8,082 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Unable to Rummage in World & Community Lot trash cans

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Apprentice

I'm experiencing this issue as well. With the recent origin sale I bought the Kids Room Stuff pack, hoping to play my sims with them rummaging through bins to find voidcritter collection cards. I have clicked on bins in multiple worlds and they always get that exact same message: no trash to rummage through. 

I don't have eco lifestyle by the way. I'm really disappointed because I can't make use of this gameplay with kids room Frown

Message 8 of 32 (7,878 Views)

Re: Unable to Rummage in World & Community Lot trash cans

★★★ Guide
@PriestessAvenara I do not have EL so that is not a quick work around for me, as the dumpsters are not base game.
Message 9 of 32 (7,788 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Unable to Rummage in World & Community Lot trash cans

★★★★ Guide

yes it hurts gameplay

Message 10 of 32 (7,731 Views)