[OPEN] [OR] Unidentified plants in Granite Falls have names

by lyricstomymusic

Original Post

[OPEN] [OR] Unidentified plants in Granite Falls have names

[ Edited ]
★ Apprentice

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? all of them
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Go to Granite Falls. Look for the unidentified plants.
What happens when the bug occurs? instead of it being an unidentified wild plant, it says the name muckleberry or Elderberry. Once you get home from granite falls, the plants revert back to unidentified in your inventory. This isn't the case if you're in Granite Falls.
What do you expect to see? for the unidentified plants to be unidentified until my sim identifies it themself.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Never used.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. It's been happening since Seasons. So either the patch before seasons or the one after...


Message 1 of 33 (13,657 Views)

Re: [TO TEST] [OR] Unidentified plants in Granite Falls have names

★★★★★ Pro

I can confirm that this is happening in my game and it was post Seasons and before Wednesday's patch.  Though in my case a few plants were still showing as unknown (possibly the elderberry/noxious elderberry), but most weren't (both chamomiles, both fireleaf and the morel mushrooms; I can't recall if I found both types Standard smile).  No mods/cc in my game (MCC removed before the pre Seasons patch, cache cleared and game repaired).  I play on Windows 10, have all the packs and game is up todate. 


Thanks and regards,

Message 2 of 33 (13,531 Views)

Re: [OPEN] [OR] Unidentified plants in Granite Falls have names


Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

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Message 3 of 33 (13,489 Views)

Re: [OPEN] [OR] Unidentified plants in Granite Falls have names

★★★★★ Novice

 I have the same issue with the only difference being that the plants are permanently identified, even after leaving Granite Falls (which makes one of the aspirations impossible to complete). This is the first time the world has ever been loaded and with 4 sims who have never interacted with any Outdoor Retreat plants.

Message 4 of 33 (13,449 Views)

Re: [OPEN] [OR] Unidentified plants in Granite Falls have names

EA Live QV Team

Hello @TheDeerLord @lyricstomymusic @MapleSimmer


We have not been able to reproduce this at our end.


Would you be willing to send your save files?  If so, instructions are here:




Thank you very much and happy simming!          


Message 5 of 33 (13,421 Views)

Re: [OPEN] [OR] Unidentified plants in Granite Falls have names

★★★★★ Pro

Here's a link to my save, though unfortunately it's currently the wrong time of the year so when I just had them return to Granite Falls I couldn't find things to harvest so I can't confirm if they still are identified when they go into their inventory. I did take this picture that showed that the plants are identified when you hover over them.  I'll try starting a new save in summer and see if it happens again and if it does I can share that too.  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1muoSc1ibfds9UIpL8eGyNfWz5bGWXGsj/view?usp=sharing


Thanks and regards,

Message 6 of 33 (13,402 Views)

Re: [OPEN] [OR] Unidentified plants in Granite Falls have names

★★★★★ Pro

FYI, I went in and created a new save and wasn't able to recreate it, though it originally happened in a new save I created post Seasons but before the June 26/18 patch.  So I'm not sure why it happened in the other save, but it seems to be fine now.  My game is up to date (ie it has been patched July 10/18). 


Thanks and regards,


Message 7 of 33 (13,386 Views)

Re: [OPEN] [OR] Unidentified plants in Granite Falls have names

★★★★ Pro

I have a slightly different version of this bug, When I hower over wild plants, the pop-up sign say correctly "Wild Plant". But when I click on them I get the option "Harvest toxic fireleaves" or whatever name the plant has. After harvesting the plant, it stays identified in my Sim's inventory. I tested this with a Sim with level 0 in herbalism.

Message 8 of 33 (13,366 Views)

Re: [OPEN] [OR] Unidentified plants in Granite Falls have names

★★★★ Pro

Hello @SimGuruIcarus


Here is a link to my save in Granite Falls. It's still the family August Standard smile.



Message 9 of 33 (13,333 Views)

Re: [OPEN] [OR] Unidentified plants in Granite Falls have names

★ Guide

When my sim went to GF (first time there and new to herbal pants) - most of the plants were already identified when you clicked on them. My sims picked plants stayed identified in her inventory even after traveling home. Only 3 of the plants my sim picked were unidentified both on the plant and in the inventory - two of those were the mushrooms that were picked in the hermit hut area (forget what the other one was). This was after seasons but before the latest patch (the gallery one).

Message 10 of 33 (13,274 Views)