[OPEN] Likes/Dislikes: Missing Hobbies and Skills

by ImKersha

Original Post

[OPEN] Likes/Dislikes: Missing Hobbies and Skills

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Guide

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All the packs and kits except for Journey to Batuu and Courtyard Oasis.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Start creating a Sim in CAS and open up the Hobbies and Skills section in Likes and Dislikes.
What happens when the bug occurs? There are no Archaeology, Charisma, Fabrication, Flower Arranging, Gourmet Cooking, Herbalism, Juice Fizzing, Logic, Medium, Parenting, Pet Training, Selvadoradian Culture, Vampire Lore and Veterinarian skills.
What do you expect to see? I expect Archaeology, Charisma, Fabrication, Flower Arranging, Gourmet Cooking, Herbalism, Juice Fizzing, Logic, Medium, Parenting, Pet Training, Selvadoradian Culture, Vampire Lore, Veterinarian skills to be present for selection.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. I installed the patch

SimGuruConor stated that all the pack-related Hobbies and Skills would be available for selection in Likes and Dislikes. I'm sure it's an oversight, but it would be great if these were added.
The missing skills:
Base game - Charisma, Gourmet Cooking, Logic
Outdoor Retreat - Herbalism
Vampires - Vampire Lore
Parenthood - Parenting
Cats & Dogs - Pet Training, Veterinarian
Jungle Adventure - Archaeology, Selvadoradian Culture
Seasons - Flower Arranging
Eco Lifestyle - Fabrication, Juice Fizzing
Paranormal - Medium




Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title, Added Tag
Edit By KinkyWelder: Removed Cross-stitching and Knitting from the list as they were added to the game

Message 1 of 44 (10,402 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Likes/Dislikes: Missing Hobbies and Skills

★ Guide
@ImKersha although not pack related, I would add that there isn't an art or drawing hobby option for kids, who can use the drawing table.
Message 2 of 44 (10,124 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Likes/Dislikes: Missing Hobbies and Skills

★★★ Apprentice

Also while these are tied to other or no skills, it would be nice to also have specific options for activities such as Reading, Swimming, Napping…

Message 3 of 44 (9,860 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Likes/Dislikes: Missing Hobbies and Skills

★★★ Guide

It would be nice to have some of the club activities in there that are not skills. I am particularly thinking of occult activities like brewing potions, using spells and vampire powers.

Message 4 of 44 (9,714 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Likes/Dislikes: Missing Hobbies and Skills

@ImKersha I think gourmet cooking is just included in cooking. I mean, it would be a bit weird if you hate cooking but like gourmet cooking ?

Good Luck


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Message 5 of 44 (9,709 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Likes/Dislikes: Missing Hobbies and Skills

★★ Guide

I would like it because sims won't autonomously cook homestyle but then would autonomously cook gourmet. It would work for my snooty sims (or cheating preferences onto the butlers who serve my snooty sims so they always cook gourmet meals).

Plus you get to frustrate your sims through three levels of cooking skill if you choose to set the preferences that way before unlocking gourmet.
Message 6 of 44 (9,554 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Likes/Dislikes: Missing Hobbies and Skills

★★★ Guide

I was expecting something more akin to the Club Activities, I think. Things like Reading and watching Television I expected to see - and Chess.

Message 7 of 44 (9,446 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Likes/Dislikes: Missing Hobbies and Skills

★★★ Apprentice

I agree that all of these missing activities are serious omissions, but I would also really like to see the addition of Logic, or at least Logic-based activities like playing chess, using the observatory and the microscope etc, added to the system. It's an egregious oversight that it was not included. Logic has been a skill/activity in the Sims franchise since Sims 1, and it ought to be there. Otherwise what are my genius sims supposed to do for fun?  Reading, playing games (card games, and Don't Wake the Llama as well as chess) should also be included in the hobbies/ skills section of the like/dislikes feature.  Fitness is too broad a category, and there should also be separate categories for swimming, working out with equipment or the TV, playing soccer or basketball etc.  In fact, I had a sim work out with the TV, and it didn't seem to register as a like or a dislike, so that feature from Fitness Stuff seems to have been missed, or not properly tagged or something. More unique activities for kids would also be a bonus, like a separate category for Voidcritters (not just the generic Video-gaming skill), for the Puppet Theatre, and the kids' art/ activtiy and science tables. They've certainly added enough  variations on those art activity tables to the game over the years that there ought to be a separate category for them.  

Message 8 of 44 (9,263 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Likes/Dislikes: Missing Hobbies and Skills

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

I would also like Foosball and Darts, in order to be able to make them DISLIKES for my Sims.  (I hate them obsessing over Foosball and Dartboards, whenever those happen to be in a build that I'm using.)  Same with Karaoke, actually.  I don't mind them singing, but I mind them obsessing over the blankety-blank Karaoke machine.


Also, is there a reason we can't add them manually to Servos?  Yes, I know Servos normally have their traits set through a different Servo menu, but that menu doesn't have the options for likes/dislikes.  I was hoping to be able to use this system to get my Servos to stop obsessing over things that robots have no business obsessing over, but because they're excluded from the entire system, I can't.


And I agree with all of the above suggestions as well.  Reading, swimming, voidcritters, chess, using the telescope, etc., those should all be in the hobbies category.  Lots of people do those things as hobbies.  And many of those are base game, so there was no reason not to add them.


Btw, is there any particular reason that all NPC Sims select from a very limited selection of these?  Carl demonstrated on his Youtube channel the fact that there are only five or so hobbies that EVERY NPC will select from, which makes NPCs a lot less varied than they should be.

Message 9 of 44 (9,154 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Likes/Dislikes: Missing Hobbies and Skills

★★★★★ Apprentice

It would be nice to have the actual kids' activities as options too.  For example, playing with dollhouse, playing on jungle gym, playing Void Critters, and using the kids' crafting table etc.  As it currently stands, kids just have a reduced list of adult skills and activities.  None of the kid specific activities were added.


And I was also hoping for non-skill activities such as reading, hiking, camping (using tent) to be included, as well as special skills such as vampire powers and magic.


I think part of the issue here is that players are very excited to use this feature as a way of customizing individual sims' autonomy.  So, whether or not that was the original intent, we'd like more options for doing this by including more activities to be liked or disliked.  Please consider adding more activities (both actual skills and non-skilled activities) to the list of things sims can like or dislike, and please continue to have that affect their autonomous behavior when marked as like or dislike.  Many of us love this feature and want more of it.

Message 10 of 44 (9,041 Views)