March 2022 - last edited September
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? I have everything except the broken Wedding Stories dlc.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Disable settings for Neighbourhood Stories for both played and unplayed sims. Click mailbox and get updates on stories. Watch them happen anyway despite settings saying things like death has been turned off. Disable entire Neighbourhood Stories for both played and unplayed sims. Click mailbox and get updates on stories, though how I am able to get updates when the whole Neighbourhood Stories setting has been disabled is a mystery. Watch them happen anyway despite settings saying things like death has been turned off..
What happens when the bug occurs? Can't turn Neighbourhood Stories off at all, no matter what it forces itself on my game. My game is now ruined. Not even being melodramatic here, my sims are being killed off by this very unwanted "feature". I even tried disabling this terrible Neighbourhood Stories thing, and I can still click on mailbox and see someone has died/adopted a dog/moved out and so on. I made sure to turn off dying and moving out as well before turning the whole thing off. Only turned the whole Neighbourhood Stories thing off entirely because all that was happening anyway despite my settings to have them turned off. But nope. Game doesn't gaf. It can't be stopped it seems.
What do you expect to see? I expect to see this horrible setting be able to be disabled when I click for it to be disabled. Not just appear to be disabled yet have it affect my game anyway like it's doing.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. The 1.85 patch that made Neighbourhood Stories ruin our games.
Can't turn Neighbourhood Stories off at all, no matter what it forces itself on my game. My game is now ruined. Not even being melodramatic here, my sims are being killed off by this very unwanted "feature".
I even tried disabling this terrible Neighbourhood Stories thing, and I can still click on mailbox and see someone has died/adopted a dog/moved out and so on. I made sure to turn off dying and moving out as well before turning the whole thing off. Only turned the whole Neighbourhood Stories thing off entirely because all that was happening anyway despite my settings to have them turned off. But nope. Game doesn't gaf.
It can't be stopped it seems.
Edit By Crinrict: Added Tag to Title.
Edit by Khitteh: Fixed typo in title Crinrict left behind so I didn't look like a derp.
March 2022
I have had the exact same problem. After the update I set specific neighbourhood stories for all the households that I don't play with. These mostly included that they would not die by accident, move out, and for some, have children. I spent probably over an hour setting all these specific settings. When I started playing, I clicked the mailbox and the "check newest neighbourhood stories" button. I could click the button multiple times, and each time it promted a new story, with seemingly no limit. This made me feel like either EVERY single neighbourhood story happened all the time every second, or I made it happen everytime I clicked to check. After a while I noticed that several things happened that I specificly unchecked so it wouldn't happen. For example Eliza Pancake died, but I specificly made sure that the Pancake family only could switch jobs. It happened to all my households. The Spencer-Kim-Lewis family either adopted or got two babies, the Goth family got a new baby, Angela Pleasant moved out, the Heckings adopted two toddlers, and MANY families adopted several pets. The examples are endless. Many of the neighbourhood stories happened without me checking, I only noticed when I randomly checked. I ended up turning off ALL neighbourhood stories, but I can still check the mailbox and get new updates. I really liked the idea of the neighbourhood stories, but with all these issues it basically ruins my game...
March 2022
same problem, despite specifying that I only allowed death by accident and pet adoption I am suddenly having a bunch of unplanned babies and quite a few new households.
i haven't tried yet what happens when I try to turn of the feature completely.
March 2022
Where did the devs get to now someone made a correctly formatted bug report?
This issue definitely needs a response.
March 2022 - last edited March 2022
@Tonje911 In my playthrough I tested it, I have 4 events everyday, not more than that, but I have to click on the mailbox 4 times (because the game shows one notification at a time).
If I can suggest, when you choose what do you want or not want to happen to a specific family, be sure to click the √ button everytime, even when you did not change anything, do not click che X button on the top right.
March 2022
@GiardiniDiMarzo wrote:
when you choose what do you want or not want to happen to a specific family, be sure to click the √ button everytime, even when you did not change anything, do not click che X button on the top left.
I was careful to click the √ button after deselecting the things I didn't want (that greys the unwanted things out).
So this isn't the solution. It's still broken.
March 2022
Where are the settings for this supposed to be at in my game folders? No settings for individual options on Neighbourhood Stories exist in Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4 in Options.ini (just an option for storyprogressioneffects = 1 or 0 but that is probably related to the setting available in game options).
So the options given to us in Manage Households accessed via the Worlds menu don't appear to be doing anything as far as my game settings are concerned. Should these options not appear in Options.ini as well if they actually did something?
March 2022 - last edited March 2022
@khitteh I'm guessing they are saved with the save game so you can set them individually per save (like the age settings for example)
Good Luck
I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.
Important Threads
March 2022 - last edited March 2022
@crinrict wrote:@khittehI'm guessing they are saved with the save game so you can set them individually per save (like the age settings for example)
Ahhh *sounds of frustration*
Could they maybe make us an option for global settings affecting all savegames in game options? With individual settings like in world menu (so global ability to turn off death or leave job or whatever). People who want it per game could just keep that option unchecked. Devs please pop in and comment on this.
And in meantime anyone know why the individual settings accessed via world menu don't work?
March 2022
There's a really good post about how settings work on the forums by SimGuru Nate: NEIGHBORHOOD STORIES SYSTEM - From the Neighborhood to the World .
It says that settings are per saved game: "Like other game options, Neighborhood Stories configurations exist on a per-save basis. Because each of your saves has its own settings, you can switch back and forth between them without having to re-configure anything. Just load up and let the stories roll!"
Not sure if this helps.
In my save when I turn things off, they're staying turned off, and I spent the first day turning things on and off a lot.