[FIXED] [W] [V] Occults swap forms before animation +warped human form

by skyemuu

Original Post

Accepted Solution

[FIXED] [W] [V] Occults swap forms before animation +warped human form

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number? 1.90.358.1030
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All of them
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Play a werewolf and make them transform
What happens when the bug occurs? My werewolf transforms but is swapped to the other form way too fast, other issues occasionally occur like body distortion and going invisible
What do you expect to see? I expect to see werewolves behave normally
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. This only started happening after installing the high school pack

Werewolves have had issues for me ever since i installed the high school pack, i have tried this without mods and get the same issue. Unplayed werewolves do not seem to have the same issues as they transform normally and my currently played ones do as well if i swap to another household to look at them but once i am currently in the household controlling them things start to bug out. Most of the time its just the animation that doesnt line up with the change but when i first noticed the bug my teenager went completely distorted, his face got larger and it looked like his bones had broken. Then another werewolf turned invisible after transforming. None of these issues were present before installing the pack. Images provided.


Edit By Crinrict: Added Tag to Title

Message 1 of 50 (12,004 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: [NEEDS SAVES] [W] [V] Occults swap forms before animation +warped human for


  • Werewolf/Vampire Sims will swap to occult form and vice-versa after the animation instead of before or during.

Fixed in Patch 1.109.185/1.98
Please create a new thread if you still have issues. Make sure to mention which occults you have problems with.

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

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Message 50 of 50 (325 Views)

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Re: Werewolves swap forms before animation is finished + warped human form

★ Guide

update on this: completely disabling high school years fixes the issue but its very annoying that i cant have new content i paid for in my game to enjoy my favorite game pack.

Message 2 of 50 (11,970 Views)

Re: Werewolves swap forms before animation is finished + warped human form


Guess I would say I can duplicate this issue



Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

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Message 3 of 50 (11,955 Views)

Re: Werewolves swap forms before animation is finished + warped human form

★ Guide

yeah i had it yet again after initially posting this and this was the last straw before uninstalling the high school pack 

Message 4 of 50 (11,941 Views)

Re: [W] Werewolves swap forms before animation is finished + warped human form

★★★★ Apprentice

Also noticed this problem with my werewolf sims. My sim seems to transform okay if I direct him to transform (albeit the transformation does still happen before the animation completes), but he if transforms due to a full rage meter he has some stretching issues around the ears and his head shape is narrower than it normally is.


I've found a sort-of workaround in the mean-time: popping into CAS with another sim in household, and then returning to live mode seemed to correct his head/ears.

Message 5 of 50 (11,065 Views)

Re: [W] Werewolves swap forms before animation is finished + warped human form

★★★★★ Apprentice

I have exact same issue. Swap is done sometimes even before animation will trigger and multiple transformations did THAT to my werewolf (see attachment).

So uninstalling HSY fixed the issue? Might disable it too if that's the case...

Message 6 of 50 (11,011 Views)

Re: [W] Werewolves swap forms before animation is finished + warped human form

★ Guide
@Linkyop ive managed to get this issue you posted here as well. and yes, though you wont be able to play a save youve already used hsy with but you can go back to one from before hsy or make a new one. something hsy adds as a permanent effect on the active household is what makes this happen though i have yet to be able to figure out what it is. what i do now is disable hsy if i want to play my regular/favorite saves and enable it if i want to mess around with the pack but it hasnt been worth the sacrifice of werewolves to me
Message 7 of 50 (10,980 Views)

Re: Werewolves swap forms before animation is finished + warped human form

★★ Novice

Same issue here,



My sim transmorphs too fast, had a glitchy face in my previous save and completely messed up my werewolf power. It doesn't happend before the HSY extention. This Dlc broke my save and my werewolf game. Do you have some advice to keep both them both and fix this problem ? Are devs working on something to patch it ? I'm open to sugestion. 

Sorry for my english, I'm Belgian. Hope it doesn't burn your eyes in hell ^^.

And No, I don't use anny mod, Vanilla style baby.

Message 8 of 50 (10,793 Views)

Re: [OPEN] [W] Werewolves swap forms before animation is finished+warped human f


I've seen this too. My werewolf used the regain control action and instantly flipped to human form before the animation had ended. It just seems to be the visual happening early.

Message 9 of 50 (10,780 Views)

Re: Werewolves swap forms before animation is finished + warped human form

★ Guide
@Un_Belge_ivre unfortunately right now theres no way to fix it while having HSY installed. I honestly dont expect it to be patched anytime soon if at all because occult bugs are not high on their list of priorities which is frustrating. I've looked into it a bit myself though and I think theres a possibility its related to the body hair system or any system HSY introduces that adds a permanent effect on the household as this only happens to played sims.
Message 10 of 50 (10,717 Views)