[FIXED] Sims want to become friend with sims who are already friends

by Heddelviven

Original Post

Accepted Solution

[FIXED] Sims want to become friend with sims who are already friends

[ Edited ]
★★★ Guide

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Occasionally (10% - 49%)
What is your current game version number? 1.96.397.1020
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Almost all including growing together
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Wait for the want to become friends with somebody you are already friends with
What happens when the bug occurs? Want pops up. When you interact with the sim, the want is not fulfilled.
What do you expect to see? No want.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? No

I have a child sims who wants to become friends with another child sim, but they are already friends.


Edit By Crinrict: Added Tag to Title

Message 1 of 7 (3,342 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: [OPEN] Sims want to become friend with sims who are already friends


  • "Become friends with" Want no longer appears for Sims with relationship equal or above friends. We’re already friends.

Fixed in Patch 1.109.185/1.98
Please create a new thread if you're still experiencing this issues 

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

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Message 7 of 7 (200 Views)

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Sim wants to ask another sim to be girlfriend but says theyre already dating

★★★ Newbie

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Often (50% - 99%)
What is your current game version number? 1.96.397.1020
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? None
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I dont know
What happens when the bug occurs? My sim wants to ask his girlfriend to be his girlfriend even though they are already dating
What do you expect to see? The want going away after asking to be together the first time
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Never used.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? No

So I just started playing and had my sim on their date ask another sim to be her boyfriend, theyre together but her boyfriend keeps having a want to ask her to become his girlfriend

Message 2 of 7 (3,309 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Sims want to become friend with sims who are already friends

★★★ Guide
@Heddelviven This has also been happening to me frequently.
Message 3 of 7 (2,573 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Sims want to become friend with sims who are already friends

★ Novice

I'm SO annoyed. This keeps happening to me. I've tried repairing the game, I've started a whole new household, etc. I've never used mods. I can't find answers anywhere.


The last two times have been a child Sim, with the Social Butterfly aspiration... I wonder if that's a common thread? It shows their friends with someone in the relationship panel and bar, but when I hover over the want, it says it is because they are acquaintances. 


Message 4 of 7 (1,929 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Sims want to become friend with sims who are already friends

★★★★★ Apprentice

I just saved a game where this has just occurred, if someone wants to investigate it.

Message 5 of 7 (1,584 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Sims want to become friend with sims who are already friends

★★★ Pro

I notice that this want starts appearing when sims become acquaintances, then it fails to be disabled when they become friends.

Message 6 of 7 (1,564 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Sims want to become friend with sims who are already friends


  • "Become friends with" Want no longer appears for Sims with relationship equal or above friends. We’re already friends.

Fixed in Patch 1.109.185/1.98
Please create a new thread if you're still experiencing this issues 

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

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Message 7 of 7 (201 Views)