[FIXED] Glasses frame distorted

by ThatShad

Original Post

Accepted Solution

[FIXED] Glasses frame distorted

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Novice

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number? 1.108.318.1020 DX9
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Tiny Living, Snowy Escape, Seasons, Laundy Day, Eco Lifestyle, Dream Home Decorator, Cottage Living, Cats and Dogs, Blooming rooms
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Equip a sim with thin frame glasses from the eco lifestyle gamepack.
What happens when the bug occurs? The glasses look ugly and possibly distort the jaw of the sim's model
What do you expect to see? I expect the glasses to not look fuzzy like a carpet, be three times thicker than originally, look liek they have snow piled ontop of them, and not have the handles to be twisting
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Never used.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. This happened after the 1.108.318.1020 DX9 update, where lashes were added to the game.

Attached are pictures of the broken glasses. The sim in these photos is set as masculine with feminine frame.


Edit By Crinrict: Added Tag to Title.

Message 3 of 43 (6,316 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: [OPEN] Glasses frame distorted


  • Previously distorted glasses are back in shape.

Fixed in Patch 1.108.349/1.97
Please create a new thread if you're still experiencing this issues.

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

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Message 43 of 43 (3,689 Views)

All Replies

Glasses are broken

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Apprentice

After the 7/23/24 update, I loaded into my family in CAS to mess with the new features, and I found the little circle glasses messed up at the corners.


07-23-24_3-44-08 PM.png

07-23-24_3-43-41 PM.png

07-23-24_3-43-53 PM.png


Edit 7/25/24 9:03 PM:

I've also just noticed this pair of glasses from the Vintage Glamour pack is distorted around the edges. It was a bit hard to spot with the Sim facing forward, but the sides (and corners) are messed up, similar to the base game round glasses before.


07-25-24_9-00-28 PM.png

07-25-24_9-00-32 PM.png

Message 1 of 43 (6,135 Views)

Re: Glasses are broken

[ Edited ]

@MJTiny   Hello!  I haven't updated my game yet.  So, I thought I'd add some images of what the glasses look like pre-patch for comparison.




In addition to the weird glitch at the corners, it looks like your images show an issue with the nose bridge as well.  Have you checked to see if any of the other glasses have visual glitches like that?


EDIT: For further comparison, here is a random selection of other glasses.







CCP Champion Banner - Blue.png

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Happy Simming!

Message 2 of 43 (6,110 Views)

Re: eco lifestyle glasses

★★★ Guide


Would you be able to post an image of the Sim with and without the glasses (if removing the glasses removes the possible jaw distortion), to compare the distortion possibility?



Hi! I'm SimmerStar4 (they/them). I'm not an expert on game issues, so don't take me as one! I'm just a Sims player who wants to try and help fellow players, and who finds game bugs and issues interesting.

Message 4 of 43 (6,265 Views)

Re: eco lifestyle glasses

★★★★★ Novice



Turns out the jaw distortion was me not remembering what the Sim looked in detail. Sorry about that.


However, the glasses are still a mess (pictures attached in the first message of this thread).

Message 5 of 43 (6,241 Views)

Bug: Eco Lifestyle glasses distorting on premade townies

★★★ Newbie

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number? 1.108.318.1020 DX9
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All expansions except Lovestruck (yet to be released), all game packs, all stuff packs except for Home Chef Hustle
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Enter CAS, put the large square eco lifestyle glasses on the premade Sims
What happens when the bug occurs? The top frames of the glasses are distorted (stretched and/or bent out of shape). I've attached what the glasses look like on my Sims, vs how they look on premades. Even Tina Tinker's frames are strangely rounded, and she shipped with Eco Lifestyle. But the worst I've caught so far are the BFFs household.
What do you expect to see? Straight, thin glasses frames (see attached screenshots of my Sim vs Travis Scott and Summer Holiday).
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure 

The top frames of the glasses are distorted (stretched and/or bent out of shape). I've attached what the glasses look like on my Sims, vs how they look on premades. Even Tina Tinker's frames are strangely rounded, and she shipped with Eco Lifestyle. But the worst I've caught so far are the BFFs household.

Message 6 of 43 (6,191 Views)

Re: Bug: Eco Lifestyle glasses distorting on premade townies

★★★ Guide


Sounds like it might be the same issue as this thread here.



Hi! I'm SimmerStar4 (they/them). I'm not an expert on game issues, so don't take me as one! I'm just a Sims player who wants to try and help fellow players, and who finds game bugs and issues interesting.

Message 7 of 43 (6,188 Views)

Re: eco lifestyle glasses

★★★ Novice

I have the same issue

Message 8 of 43 (6,187 Views)

Re: Bug: Eco Lifestyle glasses distorting on premade townies

★★★★★ Novice

Yup! Same issue!

Message 9 of 43 (6,171 Views)

Re: eco lifestyle glasses

★ Guide

I have 2 pairs with this issue, a base game and (i think) movie stuff glasses, where the upper rims are distorted, with and without eyelashes

Message 10 of 43 (6,154 Views)