December 2016
Having the same issue as a level 8 doctor was hoping to find an answer but I seem to be out of luck at the moment. I too hate using cheats for a promotion but, now that my doctor is approaching elder in a few sim days I either have to cheat his promotion or not play him til the issue is fixed which is just no fun at all!
December 2016
I have a sim in the Doctor Career and i'm at the point where I need to deliver a baby. Despite the fact that twice I've had the alert to deliver a baby, no sim enters that needs the operation. I'm unable to advance in the career because the pregnant sim never shows up.
December 2016
Hi @Sapharia321
it's a known bug
Atm, the only solution is to cheat your sim a level up careers.promote doctor
Good Luck
I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.
Important Threads
December 2016
Still haven't fixed this?! Happening for level 10 docs also, so promotion is poppycock. Needs to be stated more clearly that the promotion cheat DOES NOTHING to the borked pregnancy events. It may get your sim out of fix to get to the next career level before they popped their clogs waiting in limbo. But you'll only run into another blank pregnancy event the next time one triggers - if you haven't given up playing the doctor career out of frustration. And who is to say that it's not going to corrupt the save file with a dud pregnancy event lingering on it? Using the promotion trick may pave the way to save game hell later on down the line. After the Clubs save game fiasco last week, who wants to risk it?
December 2016
Just posted this on the forums. Didn't know it was an ongoing issue.
"My Sim needed to "deliver a baby" to be promoted. I kept getting the announcement that there was a pregnant sim arriving - BUT - they kept arriving as pregnant co-workers. No option to deliver their babies. This did finally sort itself out - BUT - I was looking in the Household Management panel and there are now 4 homeless sims with babies.
Pondering what to do with them. Wondering: Will Sim Social Services take the babies away? What happens to homeless sim babies?"
December 2016
They'll just stay there until they are culled
Good Luck
I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.
Important Threads
December 2016
That's all fine and dandy to use the cheat to get promoted, but I was kinda hoping to get to deliver a baby with my sim. Guess I can watch a youtube vid.
January 2017
I am having the same problem, where I get the task on my work-day to deliver a baby (or to assess a collapsed sim), but no such person enters the hospital, or can even be found anywhere outside. It's very annoying, and I had really hoped they would've fixed this problem by now, seeing as it's been around for (apparently) close to a year.
January 2017
January 2017
@DizzyDee-K wrote:
Just posted this on the forums. Didn't know it was an ongoing issue.
"My Sim needed to "deliver a baby" to be promoted. I kept getting the announcement that there was a pregnant sim arriving - BUT - they kept arriving as pregnant co-workers. No option to deliver their babies. This did finally sort itself out - BUT - I was looking in the Household Management panel and there are now 4 homeless sims with babies.
Pondering what to do with them. Wondering: Will Sim Social Services take the babies away? What happens to homeless sim babies?"
It now seems that every time my Doctor is at work and the "pregnant sim arriving" message appears I end up with no pregnant sim arriving and a whole bunch of pregnant NPC and unplayed residents. Zoe Petal and Summer Holiday now have two children apiece. Alice Spencer-Kim-Lewis and Nancy Landgrabb each have a new infant. Is this going to go on until the households reach 8 sims?