Re: [BY DESIGN] Wild Grow fruit trees all over town

by samsam713

Original Post

Re: Grow Fruit glitch?

★★ Apprentice

How do I rename my user folder? As of right now It may be lemons as well but i'm not sure It only seems to occur in the wild trees that appear in areas like around the fishing spots behind the gym areas in Willow Creek and In Oasis Springs and I'm not 100% familiar with all the wild locations.

Message 11 of 38 (2,967 Views)

Betreff: Grow Fruit glitch?

★★★ Apprentice

I think it was intentional because it is saying so when you ask for the growfruit challenge. I quote the original text...


I am looking to gather a large number of  growfruit for my personal enjoyment and edification. If you could bring me 20 of them, I'll be sure to give you a special reward. 


You should find some growfruit trees in the wild.

Message 12 of 38 (5,026 Views)

Betreff: Grow Fruit glitch?


Oh ok.


Another case of over-doing in some cases then. I haven't really checked it out yet


I just checked SimsVIPs Guide and there it also says they spawn in the wild so this is not a bug then.

Good Luck


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Message 13 of 38 (2,954 Views)

Betreff: Grow Fruit glitch?

★★ Apprentice

Interesting. Thanks for the help guy. I must have missed the part where it said they could be found in the wild, I can accept a case of overdo-it-itis just as long as I can still find some of the other wild fruit which in my case I did find pear in Willow Creek Park. 

Message 14 of 38 (2,932 Views)

Betreff: Grow Fruit glitch?


Seems there are reports of every single tree being replaced but it's only for a month, so I really doubt they will fix put time into fixing this.


I would say: Let's see if they all go back to normal once the challenge is over.

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
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Message 15 of 38 (2,928 Views)

Re: [BY DESIGN] Wild Grow fruit trees all over town

★★ Guide

I know you have accepted a solution, but I'd like to add my own observations.

In my game this happens to the wild plants which are located in areas my sim hasn't visited before patch. As you should know, plants in TS4 only grows while your sim is in that area, so areas my sim hasn't visited would grow "new" plants which, as for this month, were replaced by growfruits.


Hope this helps, happy simming!

Message 16 of 38 (2,917 Views)

Re: Grow Fruit glitch?

[ Edited ]
★★ Guide

@crinrict I did test around with new save. I don't use mods.

In my new save every wild tree turned out to be growfruit tree, and my old save this happens to the areas I haven't visited before (my sim have never been to any part of OS for some reason, and just yesterday my sim went there for a date which I spot many growing growfruit trees.) so I came up with my theory which I posted above.


Hope this helps.

Message 17 of 38 (2,917 Views)

Re: Grow Fruit glitch?


I had also tested this in a new game and had normal trees everywhere. 

Going to test something, be back

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
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Message 18 of 38 (2,907 Views)

Re: Grow Fruit glitch?


I tested this on a new game and went to Sylvan Glad where I found one tree and to Oasis Spring park where I found another. I did also find other trees though but you might be on to something.

I still don't think it's a bug though. They just made it far too likely and given the fact that it's over in a month, I really don't wanna add it to the list.


It would explain why some see it all over town as opposed to not at all.

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

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Message 19 of 38 (2,899 Views)

Cherry Trees are now Growfruit Trees

★★★★ Novice

I decided to make the perfect garden and gather all the plants possible. The problem I keep coming across is that every single area that the forums say should grow Cherry Trees are growing Growfruit instead. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do or if this is normal for the event.

Message 20 of 38 (2,901 Views)