I would like to unlink one of my PS3 accounts from an origin account, so I can link it to another one, and have all 3 (along with my xbox) profiles linked together so that I can get my medals e...
Hello. I tried to open my account and i got a massage saying that my account has been disabled due a violation of EA's terms of service. I didnt do anything wrong, I want to know what happen and how ...
How do I change my EA account email without access to the original email address listed? I joined years ago and I'm just trying to change this default username but I don't have access to my email acc...
...anned or suspended account" doesn't show up. https://answers.ea.com/t5/EA-General-Questions/My-account-has-been-disabled/m-p/8649462/highlight/true#M346014 Instead it redirects meto another p...
At the top left it says YOU ARE OFFLINE! CONNECT? And then it says You must be singed into your EA account to access the online features. But also on the top left I can see my name and profile pictur...
I had an issue a while back and it took two days for them to give me my game I purchased. I placed another order today for another item. It sattes right on the bottom of the Origin page that it could...
I was told to e mail this address by EA costumer support because my sim city account is blocked from the servers and i can't play its been over a week. while they where removing another copy of the g...
i created an origin account to play the sims 4, entered the game pin and it was working fine for a few weeks, however one day i was asked to re-enter my origin account id/email and passwo...
Dear Origin Developers I have been greatly entertained by many of your games, especially the Mass Effect Triology. I fully enjoyed using your Origin store and client service. I am writing th...
When I try logging into the Origin app or the Origin website it throws an error saying "Your credentials are incorrect or have expired. Please try again or reset your password." I had to create a sec...