Re: Titanfall multiplayer

by BugZy7600

Original Post

Titanfall multiplayer

★★ Novice

Hey, so been 4 days now and i carnt play multiplayer on titan fall 2! The game loads but as soon as i get in its freezing! Or im getting booted from server, ive spoker to multi EA advisor and all there giving me is trouble shioting steps which ive followed all and still the same outcome! Now campain works fine... any suggestions?..

Message 1 of 5 (520 Views)

Re: Titanfall multiplayer

★★★ Guide
@JadeMarie9064 The problem is not on your end, but a result of the latest DDoS attack - which would be the third or fourth one this year. EA and Respawn know about this but do next to nothing to fix it, nor do they keep their representatives on the forum up to date on what's going on so nothing is being said to us directly. Check any other thread on the subject and you'll find out what little we know.
Message 2 of 5 (497 Views)

Re: Titanfall multiplayer

[ Edited ]
★ Novice

It's intolerable to see how they have responded to you .. this is a Ddos attack .. and they know it very well. One would think that EA and Respawn themselves were behind this, to make it die. They sacrifice Titanfall 2 on the altar, in favor of their multi source of income: Apex. I believe Titanfall 2,, has been planned dead since Apex became a million revenue. They are not honest and do not respond to loyal players.If you not are honest in small things .. of course you will not be honest in big things either.

Message 3 of 5 (457 Views)

Re: Titanfall multiplayer

★★ Novice

Well if told them miltiply times its there game and according to them theres nothing wrong wih it! I filed a report a bug and they put that down as fixed 😂 joke really..! Told them play game there selfs theyll soon find out...

Message 4 of 5 (424 Views)

Re: Titanfall multiplayer

★★ Novice
@ICA_Courier Thank you 🙂
Message 5 of 5 (424 Views)