Titanfall Connectivity

by EA_Spectre

Original Post

Titanfall Connectivity

[ Edited ]
Community Manager
If you are unable to maintain a connection to play Titanfall, please check the following:

If you're able to join a match but are experiencing longer, or extended matchmaking times beforehand, you can try to improve your connectivity by changing the region you're playing in.

  • On the initial Titanfall menu, when logging in you will find Data Center: _________ listed with a ping time. Click this label and choose the region with the lowest ping.
  • You can further improve your matchmaking capabilities by choosing to Quickplay whenever possible.

If your internet connection works but you can’t maintain a connection to the Titanfall servers, you may still be eligible for a refund via the Great Game Guarantee if you purchased your game from Origin.

If you still need assistance, please contact a Game Advisor. You need to log into the help page with your Origin account and then click on http://help.ea.com/en/contact-us/new/ - choose your game, platform, and topic to see the contact options. Please choose phone or chat as contact option.


Source: http://help.ea.com/en/article/titanfall-connectivity/

Your friendly neighbourhood forum admin.

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