Re: Titanfall 2 load error on highres

by salih9824

Original Post

Titanfall 2 load error on highres

★★ Novice

I run my PC with the resolution - 3840 x 2160 .. titanfall 2 fails to start with an 'unsupported resolution error'! - not good.. why wasn't this tested??


I have found a solution.. bring my monitor down to 1920 res.. however it still only gives you very poor display resolution options, (1280 and 720 modes) - these are xbox resolutions arent they???

Best thing you can do - it set it to anything.. come out of it, go back into it.. then you can select - 3840 x 2160

Message 1 of 2 (696 Views)

Re: Titanfall 2 load error on highres

★★★ Newbie

how do u change  your res its only  720p at the moment , I cant change for some odd reason , i am running  Samsung 4k 55 tv I never had no problems with other games

Message 2 of 2 (681 Views)