Re: Titanfall 2 Campaign mode not saving

by EA_Atic

Original Post

Re: Titanfall 2 Campaign mode not saving

★★★ Newbie

Yo, I've had this issues with several games and so far it all has stemmed from Windows Defender. If you have Windows Defender you can go into the settings for it and you'll find an option called "Controlled folder access" you follow that link and then click the link that says "Allow an app through controlled folder access" and then add the .exe file to that list and everything should work out.

Message 11 of 14 (2,009 Views)

Re: Titanfall 2 Campaign mode not saving

★★ Novice


I just got the game for 5e on sale, and this sht was driving me insane! Dying in campaign resets the whole level, quitting the game doesn't save ANYTHING.

Only just recently I opted to only use Windows Defender and not 3rd party Anti-Viruses because WD is on par or better in tests, but fk me THAT WAS THE WHOLE ISSUE!

I had to log in and thank you dude, THIS fixed my BS.

Message 12 of 14 (1,877 Views)

Re: Titanfall 2 Campaign mode not saving

★★★ Newbie

i dont know how to fix it but me did use 2 windowses one 10 and one 11 once i used link shell extension and moved user folder. to d:\ i created junction from d:\ to c:\ userfolder then it repaired all the bad folders that smart move did try to make at its best with win 11 after sigining in. problem is that even userfolder is located on c:\ with a junction i get no saves titanfall2 after exiting game oening it up

Message 13 of 14 (1,052 Views)

Re: Titanfall 2 Campaign mode not saving

I'm closing this thread to stop it from being necroed.

If you have any issues with Titanfall 2, please make a new topic about your problems and what kind of steps you have tried to solve them.

Message 14 of 14 (1,030 Views)