Servers not stable?

by Johnathan_Star_M

Original Post

Servers not stable?

[ Edited ]
★★★ Apprentice

 I been trying to play Titian Fall 2, when a game finally starts, it just freezes mid game,
and people start leaving the game, i think it happens to everyone in the game.
I have not been able to play anymore.  Is this getting fixed, please tell me its getting fixed RESPAWN! ???

Message 1 of 3 (304 Views)

Re: Servers not stable?

★★★ Guide
@Johnathan_Star_M Check any of the other trending threads for info on this.
Message 2 of 3 (273 Views)

Re: Servers not stable?

★★★ Apprentice


Message 3 of 3 (246 Views)