Let's save Titanfall!

by W00denPineApple

Original Post

Let's save Titanfall!

★★ Novice

I apologize in advance, my language is Russian and I use google translator.
And so, I decided to return to titanfall again after not playing it due to the fact that old players bent me down. Returning to the game, I saw that there were constant lags on the servers and it was normal not to play the game. Let's be honest, no one except the community itself will be able to influence the game (since the developers do not care). Let's think about how we can bring the game back to life, because this is something that is so loved by many players around the world.
What I suggest. It may sound silly, but it is worth contacting the hacker that makes these DDoS attacks. Maybe we can get an answer from him, because he clearly reads Twitter or something like that (I don't know where your community communicates, we have other social networks). I propose to raise a rebellion, but not against developers, not against hackers and DDoS attacks, I propose to raise a rebellion for the game, acting not on someone in particular, but by addressing any place, to any people, to help the game and the entire community. Only WE can do at least something, because the heart of the game is its community.

Message 1 of 6 (488 Views)

Re: Let's save Titanfall!

★★★ Guide
@W00denPineApple While I agree with you in principle, where things grow tricky is the action. I'm not entirely sure what it is you want us to do nor how it would help. Would my mind clarifying what actions you want us to take and what the expected outcome would be?
Message 2 of 6 (463 Views)

Re: Let's save Titanfall!

★★ Novice
@ICA_Courier I don't think it is possible to bring more players into the game, so I would just like to revive it for those who are already playing. the first is to remove the eternal lags
Message 3 of 6 (457 Views)

Re: Let's save Titanfall!

★★★ Guide
@W00denPineApple I think more people would play it if it were, for instance, available through PS+ (or similar service through whichever platform one is using). It might still be possible to recruit new pilots the old fashion way as well, but that would require that 1) the game, as a whole, works properly and 2) that EA and Respawn provides upkeep for the game. Wholeheartedly agree regarding the lag/ping, though. Suggestions as to go about doing that?
Message 4 of 6 (454 Views)

Re: Let's save Titanfall!

★★ Novice
maybe we can contact the hacker?
Message 5 of 6 (408 Views)

Re: Let's save Titanfall!

★★★ Guide
@W00denPineApple I wouldn't have the faintest clue as to how one would go about doing that, nor how to incentivize said hacker to quit effing around, but maybe someone else on this forum might be of better help.
Message 6 of 6 (396 Views)