Faulty scoring [PS4]

by ICA_Courier

Original Post

Faulty scoring [PS4]

★★★ Guide

I played Attrition with a friend yesterday (2p party) and for some reason titan kills and minion kills occasionally didn't register properly. I would've brushed it off as some frag steal but since I had accumulated a couple of titan executions I know that's not the case. Said friend got to counting his titan kills and it was off by a couple of counts as well. This only happened yesterday, as far as I can tell, but I wanted to ask if this is a known issue and what I can do to sort it out. The game is still awesome and enjoyable but it feels bland to not be able to check reliable statistics and see how one is progressing.


Frankfurt servers, around 18-22 (6-10 p.m.) CEST. Can't recall what specific maps at this point, though. Haven't played today yet, so I can't confirm continuity of said error yet.

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