DisplayName Field Missing...PC - Steam

by Puigovic

Original Post

Accepted Solution

DisplayName Field Missing...PC - Steam

★★★ Newbie

Hi there,
Just bought the game on Steam and it's impossible to launch it, getting the attached form when I'm trying and my EA app Id & PW are not working.
I went through a chat with EA support and tried uninstall/install routine and Safe Boot...it is still not working, they recomended me to post here...


Does anyone have a solution ? 

Message 1 of 4 (386 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: DisplayName Field Missing...PC - Steam

Community Manager

Hey @Puigovic 


Usually as long as you're logging in from the same device and network that wouldn't cause any issues. Are you using any sort of VPN or anything like that? 


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Message 3 of 4 (346 Views)

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Re: DisplayName Field Missing...PC - Steam

★★★ Newbie

+ if it's useful, here is my Dxdiag

Message 2 of 4 (380 Views)

Re: DisplayName Field Missing...PC - Steam

Community Manager

Hey @Puigovic 


Usually as long as you're logging in from the same device and network that wouldn't cause any issues. Are you using any sort of VPN or anything like that? 


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Me Too button - 'Me Too' helps us track how many players are also experiencing that issue. Definitely make use of this button.
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Message 3 of 4 (347 Views)

Re: DisplayName Field Missing...PC - Steam

★★★ Newbie

No, I'm not using any kind of VPN.
Regarding your first point (same device/network), maybe the creation of my EA account was intially made through the Playstation Network : should it be the issue ? 

Message 4 of 4 (331 Views)