December 2021
Not asking to hate the game, but if you care about Titanfall, you should stop playing Apex. I don't know how many players actually spend money in Apex, but first we get them to stop spending money, then stop playing the game altogether.
December 2021
December 2021
Educate them, spread the word about how EA treats their customers. They sell a product then abandon it? TF2 is what 5 years old now and they gave up on it? BF4 is still going strong, and is much older.
December 2021
TBH - I'm already doing it.
I used to be one of two volunteer moderators when Respawn had their own message boards for Titanfall 2 before they moved it to this format when EA took them over. Fact is - the community manager there had been giving us promises in those forums for Titanfall 3. Apex Legends launched, and the promises for Titanfall 3 kept coming for a few weeks, then just stopped. Everything. No visits from the community manager anymore, nothing until we got a warning they were moving to this format like three days before they did it.
I hate Battle Royale games. I think they're boring, repetitive, and tiresome. I've never downloaded or even attempted to play Apex Legends, and I won't either.
My other favorite franchise is going to be humped out of existence soon I'm sure. Battlefield has been going downhill since they finally fixed BF4 a year or so after the launch. Hardline, BF1, BFV, and now 2042 have been differing degrees of terrible, with 2042 being the worst so far. A few weeks ago, they announced they were putting Vince Zampella in charge of Battlefield - so I'm expecting more empty promises, more of having the studio ignore the fans, and lots of lies while Battlefield circles the drain until it gets flushed.
After the way they've treated Titanfall fans, and after the way they've completely pooched 2042, I will not spend another thin dime with EA. I've been buying EA games since the early 80s. I won't buy them anymore for myself, for my daughter who's in college, nor for my grandchildren. My son is with me, and he's not buying EA games anymore, either.
It's sad. 30+ years of being a fan of EA just turned into a log and flushed down the drain because they can't keep any promises, and won't listen to the fans.