Re: opened up ultimate team and switches to blank menu (PC)

by islandar698

Original Post

opened up ultimate team and switches to blank menu (PC)

★★ Novice

Opened up ultimate team after update and now it switches to blank screen and cant to anything, restarted the game three times and it still does it. unacceptable.

Message 1 of 4 (237 Views)

Re: opened up ultimate team and switches to blank menu (PC)

★★ Novice

update reinstalled the game and it still does the same thing.

Message 2 of 4 (177 Views)

Re: opened up ultimate team and switches to blank menu (PC)

★★★ Newbie
@Baldwinpr0tec You are not alone, I'm having the same problem.
Message 3 of 4 (165 Views)

Re: opened up ultimate team and switches to blank menu (PC)

★★★ Newbie
@Baldwinpr0tec Hey, I solved the problem. If you are using any mode from outside, you just need to remove it from TU4, and download any TU5 mode because FC 24 just updates to TU5.
Message 4 of 4 (136 Views)


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