Ridiculously High Ping in all server

by Riki7119_TTV

Original Post

Ridiculously High Ping in all server

★ Novice

Pretty much the title.

Connecting from Australia, I can tell that all the servers are recently suffering from High Ping/Latency issue.


Tokyo server is 270ping (used to be 170ish), Singapore is 240ping (used to be 120ish) and no other places seems to cut the 200ms mark.


The lack of inactivity and silence from EA just shows how much they dont care about the player base and the gaming experience at all.

Its a shame because the game itself has a great community and gameplay.

But purely because of the unstable server issues, at this point, Im just loosing interest playing the game.


I wonder if theres any fix or even if EA/Respawn knows what the hell is going on with this.

Message 1 of 2 (134 Views)

Re: Ridiculously High Ping in all server

★★★★★ Apprentice

It's been like this for a few days ever since there was some patches. 

Connect Tokyo supposed 100ping for me but now 200+. 

Tried connect Taiwan supposed 70-80, now also 200+ no changes.

Either there's some telco routing problem or its just the server.

I'll quit for now. So I'll come back from time to time and see if there's an improvement. 

Nothing to troubleshooting here. 


Message 2 of 2 (97 Views)