Received my loan Bellingham and FC points but still no hero pack

by bigh1997

Original Post

Received my loan Bellingham and FC points but still no hero pack

★ Novice

Hi I habe recived my 2 loan player picks (picked foden and got Bellingham)


And I have received my 4600 points 


But I still haven't received my hero pack or any other packs I should get from a preorder ultimate edition game 


Can anyway help 

Message 1 of 3 (241 Views)

Re: Received my loan Bellingham and FC points but still no hero pack

★★★ Newbie
@bigh1997 Did you get a fix
Message 2 of 3 (196 Views)

Re: Received my loan Bellingham and FC points but still no hero pack

★★★ Newbie

i didnt get it either

Message 3 of 3 (97 Views)


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