Missing Dinomite skin

by Cwittz

Original Post

Accepted Solution

Missing Dinomite skin

★★★ Novice

I bought the Wattson Dinomite Skin on April 2nd, around April 6th, it went missing from my inventory of skins

Message 1 of 4 (143 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: Missing Dinomite skin

Community Manager

Hey @Cwittz,


I'm afraid after a few months I wouldn't be able to see or verify what particular skins you had added to your account at the time, however there was a general rollback between April 2nd and 3rd to address an issue that affected a number of accounts back on April 2nd.


If your account was affected at the time, any progress you had made between the issue on April 2nd and the rollback the following day would have been lost. That would have included skins added, packs opened, etc.  


We had sent out some Apex packs to everyone that logged in within a certain time period after the situation, but anything lost during that rollback wouldn't be recoverable, sorry.


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Message 2 of 4 (134 Views)

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Re: Missing Dinomite skin

Community Manager

Hey @Cwittz,


I'm afraid after a few months I wouldn't be able to see or verify what particular skins you had added to your account at the time, however there was a general rollback between April 2nd and 3rd to address an issue that affected a number of accounts back on April 2nd.


If your account was affected at the time, any progress you had made between the issue on April 2nd and the rollback the following day would have been lost. That would have included skins added, packs opened, etc.  


We had sent out some Apex packs to everyone that logged in within a certain time period after the situation, but anything lost during that rollback wouldn't be recoverable, sorry.

Message 2 of 4 (135 Views)

Re: Missing Dinomite skin

★★★ Novice
@EA_Mako I can't tell if the reply I made earlier went through but I've been trying to get this resolved since the issue happened initially
Message 3 of 4 (104 Views)

Re: Missing Dinomite skin

Community Manager

Hey @Cwittz,


The team had sent out some free Apex packs to everyone that logged in within a certain timeframe after this issue was resolved.


However, anything added to your account between April 2nd when the issue first occurred and April 3rd when the rollback took place could not be recovered. That would be why we'd sent out the additional free Apex packs, so I'm afraid there wouldn't be a way to verify or recover that skin, sorry.

Message 4 of 4 (80 Views)