Lagging all of a sudden, worked perfectly fine before

by Cynicalic

Original Post

Lagging all of a sudden, worked perfectly fine before

[ Edited ]
★★★ Novice

So two days ago my Apex legends was working perfectly. I've been playing for about 500 hours without any troubles at all. The game WAS smooth and I had a very enjoyable time. But yesterday I had a windows update and after that update my drivers for AMD GPU were removed for some reason so I had to reinstall a fresh version of the newest drivers too.


My first issue was lagging when moving the mouse, I tried setting Mouse polling to 500 but that didn't help as some had said so I looked around more but nothing. I then sat it to 125hz and now the mouse stuttering is gone thank god. But one issue still remains, my game is FPS lagging.


I usually have around 70-90 FPS when in the dropship but it has never lagged even though I'm on a 144hz, always been smooth as a babies butt. Now it's insanely laggy and when I drop to the ground it's also laggy as hell, playable? Yeah maybe, fun? No. It seems like my avg FPS has dropped down. I have not changed any settings, I have the best FPS settings in game possible.


I don't know if it has anything to do with Origin because Origin itself is kind of laggy all of a sudden and lags up my computer and I've tried reinstalling it but it didn't help.


Gamemode and DVR is disabled


These are my Autoexec commands

r_shadows 0

r_fullscreen 1

mat_screen_blur_enabled 0

r_particle_timescale 3


1 cl_ragdoll_collide 0

hud_settings_minimapRotate 1

m_rawinput 1


These are my launch commands

+cl_maxfps 300 -freq 144 -fullscreen -forcenovsync +exec autoexec +cl_showfps 4 -novid


This is my Spec

Intel Core i7-7700K



16GB DDR4 SDRAM Dual-Channel

Microsoft Windows 10 Professional (x64)


And as said it has all worked fine until two days ago I've tried so much but to no avail. Yesterday I had a few games that worked perfectly fine, 7/10 were lagging but after a few restarts on apex it worked again. But today it's totally unplayable. I've been sitting here for 5 hours straight trying to find a solution.

Message 1 of 11 (7,770 Views)

Re: Lagging all of a sudden, worked perfectly fine before

Community Manager



Just so we avoid any confusion, are you experiencing connectivity lag or frame rate drops where it's stuttering/slow performance?

Message 2 of 11 (7,765 Views)

Re: Lagging all of a sudden, worked perfectly fine before

[ Edited ]
★★★ Novice


The game has improved a little now. It's playable but it's not as smooth as it used to be. As said feels like I'm playing on 60hz sometimes and sometimes it stutters for a second or two. The FPS average has definitely gone down because I'm only at 70-100fps now whilst before I was 150~ so something has happened.


I don't know if it's something with my CPU either because before I could have  all kinds of program on, watching a stream on twitch, and other applications but now if I open up something else while playing the lag is unbearable. I posted my DxDiag above if that can help.

Message 3 of 11 (7,742 Views)

Re: Lagging all of a sudden, worked perfectly fine before

Community Manager



What's your monitor hz set to? Do you see improvement if you play in borderless window?

Message 4 of 11 (7,727 Views)

Re: Lagging all of a sudden, worked perfectly fine before

★★★ Novice

It's set to 144hz.

Yeah there actually might be some small improvement playing in windows borderless but then the colors are washed out because the gamma change only works in fullscreen.
Message 5 of 11 (7,703 Views)

Re: Lagging all of a sudden, worked perfectly fine before

★★ Novice
@Cynicalic I’m currently having the same issues please is there a fix
Message 6 of 11 (6,781 Views)

Re: Lagging all of a sudden, worked perfectly fine before

★★★ Novice
@VD_zuluboy199 Not that I can remember mate, it fixed itself with time I think.
Message 7 of 11 (6,746 Views)

Re: Lagging all of a sudden, worked perfectly fine before

★★★★★ Newbie

I now have been dealing with this same problem and only occurs during gameplay of apex no other application or game is effected. The game was buttery smooth for over 300 in game hours and now consistently choppy. 

Message 8 of 11 (5,836 Views)

Re: Lagging all of a sudden, worked perfectly fine before

★★★ Newbie

Same for me. started today.


Message 9 of 11 (5,641 Views)

Re: Lagging all of a sudden, worked perfectly fine before

★★★ Newbie


I just had this issue and was losing hope when all of the sudden someone told me to make sure my PC settings on ‘display’ was selected on the correct monitor (as I use 2) and to double check windows didn’t automatically change the hertz on  my monitor selection. Long story short, a windows update caused my default monitor to be selected on the wrong one, and more specifically what was causing the lag/delay was having 60 hertz selected on a 240 hertz monitor. Easy fix, back to happy gaming. Not EA’s fault.

Message 10 of 11 (280 Views)