I switched ea accounts and lost all my progress i. Apex

by realBreak_until4

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I switched ea accounts and lost all my progress i. Apex

★ Novice

I Recently switched EA accounts and linked my PS4 to my new one and now I lost all my progress on Apex how do I restore it I tried to unlink my ps4 account but it says i can't unlink my account till 02/20/2025 is there anyway for me or for you to help me unlink it sooner???

Message 1 of 4 (189 Views)

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Betreff: I switched ea accounts and lost all my progress i. Apex

Community Manager

Hello @realBreak_until4,


progress is linked to the EA account - so if you unlink a platform account and link it to a new EA account, the progress won't transfer. This is also explained in the disclaimer when unlinking accounts, as well as in our article regarding account unlinking


If you want to try to relink your PSN account to your old EA account in order to get your progress back, you will have to contact EA Support, who might be able to relink the accounts manually from their side. 

Bitte schickt mir keine Direktnachrichten für Support - taggt mich im Forum @EA_Pythia

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Message 2 of 4 (164 Views)

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Betreff: I switched ea accounts and lost all my progress i. Apex

Community Manager

Hello @realBreak_until4,


progress is linked to the EA account - so if you unlink a platform account and link it to a new EA account, the progress won't transfer. This is also explained in the disclaimer when unlinking accounts, as well as in our article regarding account unlinking


If you want to try to relink your PSN account to your old EA account in order to get your progress back, you will have to contact EA Support, who might be able to relink the accounts manually from their side. 

Bitte schickt mir keine Direktnachrichten für Support - taggt mich im Forum @EA_Pythia
Message 2 of 4 (165 Views)

Betreff: I switched ea accounts and lost all my progress i. Apex

★ Novice

What is the quickest way for me to contact ea support and for them to help me?


Message 3 of 4 (151 Views)

Betreff: I switched ea accounts and lost all my progress i. Apex

Community Manager



the quickest way is the live chat option - emails can take a few days.

Bitte schickt mir keine Direktnachrichten für Support - taggt mich im Forum @EA_Pythia
Message 4 of 4 (126 Views)