I have 2 babies but can only interact with 1

by e6b432b973f4cedf

Original Post

I have 2 babies but can only interact with 1

★★★ Newbie

I have 2 brand new babies from the same couple and can only interact with one of the babies. I have moved the crib to a different location on the same plot of land, I have moved the baby and it's parents to a new house, and I have tried to interact with her with all 4 of my playable Sims. None of the listed has worked. I have also force closed my game, still not working. I have never had this issue before and I have had 2 babies at the same time before with no issues. My game is fully updated. 


I don't know what else to do..

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Re: I have 2 babies but can only interact with 1

@e6b432b973f4cedf Hi, do you mean by interacting the event with the baby? If you have many toddlers, kids or elders the family events might be going to those instead of that baby.

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