Re: I got a ban but there is no info about it

by EA_Mako

Original Post

Re: I got a ban but there is no info about it

★★★ Newbie

same thing here i got perma banned for no reason and it took all my stuff when the un banned me and they sent  a email but it did not give a reason why i was banned also when i finaly logged back in when i was unbanned all my stuff was gone(including an heirloom and about 500 dollars of other stuff) no crafting metals no nothing and i went to check my ban history and i had one but still no reason.

Message 11 of 14 (323 Views)

Re: I got a ban but there is no info about it

★★★ Newbie
@Varqa5 I never did anything or got told anything happened but I cannot receive gifts now it says I’m ineligible ? I’m thinking it was cuz I changed my name to copy a favorites streamer who trolls
Message 12 of 14 (250 Views)

Re: I got a ban but there is no info about it

★★★ Newbie

Same here. The email account tied to my EA account is so old I don’t have access to it anymore and I don’t remember what exactly it was so they can’t give me any info but I’ve been grinding ranked for weeks now and I recently had a match where I reported my teammates for being really rude, sexist and homophobic…not sure why I was banned for 7 days but I don’t have any info and I can’t change the email address without knowing the old one. Unless there’s a way to fix it I just don’t know about? That way I could know what I was banned for 

Message 13 of 14 (206 Views)

Re: I got a ban but there is no info about it

Community Manager

Hey @PopTarts3724,


We would not be able to discuss any account details on the forums, including providing a ban reason I'm afraid.


That information would have been provided in an email at the initial time of the suspension, so if you don't have access to the registered email address for your account, you'll need to get in touch with support so they can update that for you.


You'll want to follow the steps for recovering an account on this help page or reach out to support directly to get started with this. 

Message 14 of 14 (198 Views)