I bought an apex coins card and it isn't working

by cohannah08YT

Original Post

I bought an apex coins card and it isn't working

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

So I bought a $10 (1000 AC) apex coins card for Xbox from my local Meijer today and when I got home and tried to redeem it in the shop on apex, it said the code is invalid. so I looked on the back of the card for instructions on how this card is supposed to be redeemed, and it said to go to https://xbox.codetocontent.com and to enter the card's pin and card number as well as my email so the website can email me another code and instructions on how to redeem that one. So I did, and it said that I failed the human verification and that I should refresh the page and try again. So I did and it didn't say anything after I clicked redeem. When I clicked the button to redeem the card it says "redeeming" with a loading icon. Then it just puts me back at the page I was on with the information still entered and the redeem button still there. What should I do?    


*update* So I went back and got a new card and followed the same steps and it still did not work. It says I need an xbox live gold membership. Why would I need a gold membership if i'm just trying to redeem some coins??!!

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