Help button

by 1006929055238

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Help button

★★★ Newbie

I earned simcash but it never appeared on my game. 

In my game I pressed the ‘help’ button and it linked me to the ea help website in my browser (it didn’t stay in the game).

Once on the ea help desk, I opened several cases to raise this issue but the advisors all say the same thing, they are unable to help me unless I raise a case IN the game.

So, I am physically unable to raise a case in the game because the help button links me to the ea help website outside of the game and that means customer services cannot or will not help me.

I am therefore left completely without help and no options because the game help button doesn’t stay in the game for me (a bug in the game) and customer services don’t know how to fix this.

Is there anyone who can resolve this issue!? Or should I just give up now and delete the game? What’s the point in playing, gaming should be fun but chasing around customer services who won’t resolve a fault with the game, is not fun.

This forum is my last hope. 


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