Dxgi error on ea games

by nicos190

Original Post

Dxgi error on ea games

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice

Hi, I've had this error for over a month now and it only shows up on ea games (apex, battlefield I and V). I have tried all the solutions proposed online (reinstalling the graphics driver or rollback, reinstalling the entire operating system, modifying the registry, activating debug mode and more....) but the problem does not resolve... I ask ea to fix the problem since it only occurs on their games. Maybe the problem comes from easy anticheat (which I also did the option of repairing and reinstalling the same)?
Have you solved it in any way that hasn't been proposed yet?


My notebook is a legion 5 with rtx 2060 and an i7 10750H.

Message 1 of 2 (199 Views)

Re: Dxgi error on ea games

★★ Novice

I finally solved the problem... the GPU bios needed to be updated as it was incompatible, I'll link you to a video that explains how to do it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xsEvdIrNGc.
ATTENTION: watch the whole video before updating the GPU bios, because if you have problems you will have to reinstall the old bios.

Message 2 of 2 (116 Views)


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